Questions tagged [visualization]

Questions relating to graphing and displaying numerical data

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Dynamic Analysis and Visualization of Laminate Mindlin Plate

I am trying to make the jump from a FEM plot of a static load applied to Mindlin laminate plate to a surface visualization of various Mode Shapes of the Laminate Plate. For that, I understand that the ...
Additional Pylons's user avatar
4 votes
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Alternatives to Mathematica

looking to introduce a mathematics program in my work, I would have 2 uses: In a classroom (high school level), providing good visualisation of physics ideas, and making my lecture more interactive. ...
Ricardo Kullock's user avatar
1 vote
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2d slice cut of tetrahedral mesh in tecplot 360 ex [closed]

I have made a 2d slice cut of a 3 dimension figure. When I select "mesh" to display the mesh on the slice, tecplot seems to connect the vertices in a strange way (it seems like two 2d meshes are ...
Jack's user avatar
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Matlab: Creating a matrix that represents a colored, sinusoidally-modulated grating

I would like to draw a texture (in Matlab - Psychtoolbox) which is composed of a sinusoidally-modulated isoluminant (magenta & cyan) grating. I do have the RGB matrices of the two phases (for ...
user334417's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Visualization of quadtree & octree grids

So-called quadtree and octree grids are quite attractive for applications requiring adaptive mesh refinement. They are for example used in Gerris and Paramesh. Is anyone aware of a good file format ...
Jannis Teunissen's user avatar
7 votes
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CFD visualization workflow: Visit vs Paraview vs Tecplot and others

For those familiar with more of these tools than I am, what are the pros and cons of the various tools available? Right now I exclusively use Tecplot for CFD visualization, but it leaves a lot to be ...
Aurelius's user avatar
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Can mainstream 3D software be a useful alternative in scientific visualisation?

I hope this is not a vague question. I would like to know if any researchers and students in this community have used or considered using 3D graphics software (such as Blender) or a game engine to ...
Toby Jake IB's user avatar
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How to plot a price level matrix in Matlab?

I have a matrix P of m rows and n columns. P(i,j) contains the price of occupying position i at time j. I want to plot this in Matlab but in a way to get some kind of density plot with different price ...
abdeaitali's user avatar
1 vote
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What are the computational solutions for periodic visualization of simulation?

I like to set my scientific simulation programs to generate a picture after a certain number of iterations, such that I can follow what is happening and maybe cancel the simulation before the ...
Leonardo Castro's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Second order tensor field visualization software

Is there an overview available over tensor visualization software? My personal preference is: A software which is free, well documented, and offers visualization techniques for different physical ...
imranal's user avatar
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best package choice for visualizing agent based model simulations in python

This is a visualization/programming design problem. I am working on building a geospatial agent based model, meaning that there are multiple agents interacting within some particular spatial container....
krishnab's user avatar
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Software recommendation for plotting data from lab tests

I have several files of data created by LabView of hydraulic pressure testing over the course of a few days. This data is mostly time with various pressure and temperature measurements. Can you ...
LSUEngineer's user avatar
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Is there a single C++ IDE packed with necessary scientific libraries for computing purpose?

I am basically looking for a good open source C++ IDE with scientific and visualization libraries built in. Can any one suggest few projects?
dexterdev's user avatar
2 votes
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What's the role of visualization?

I'm just starting at scientific computing and I'm seeing that results can be generated merely by plotting the variables. Of course more variables lead to more axes/dimensions so e.g. a three variable ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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Creating a 3D spatial density map from simulation results

I want so visualize the spatial density for my simulation. The result of my simulation is a (time-dependent) system of large number (~100k) of moving particles in a confined space. Each particle has ...
deeep's user avatar
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C60 orbital calculation

I am currently trying to reproduce the results published by Hands et al.1 using MATLAB. They calculated the bases of the C60 wave functions of HOMO, LUMO and LUMO+1. I did the following: I ...
t0xic's user avatar
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Paraview: Multiple csv files to time series

I have multiple CSV files with point-coordinates and, possibly, multiple data values attached to them, i.e., the rows look like x y z data1 data2 ... Is there ...
fpnick's user avatar
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2 answers

Should a colorbar have constant values throughout a simulation?

The default option for matplotlib's pcolormesh (also true for VisIt and I think also true for Matlab) is to allow the maximum and minimum of a colorbar vary. Which ...
Ryan Farber's user avatar
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Is there a library which allows for converting 4D implicit surfaces to simplexes?

I have a 4D surface in the form of the spin quadric. I would like to display this surface onto the screen. One of the method which I would like to use to present surface onto the screen is projection. ...
Rafał Augustyniak's user avatar
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Visualization of solution for a MAC grid

So I implemented the projection method as in Chorin (1969) for the solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations with the Boussinesq Approximation, using a 2nd Order accurate FD scheme. The primitive ...
Kbzon's user avatar
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3D animation of a vector field (ParaView) [duplicate]

I am trying to create an animation of a 3d vector field in ParaView. All my data is in three matrices (201 x 201 x 201) corresponding to vectors components in x,y,z directions. And it's calculated in ...
Fryderyk's user avatar
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Help on writing sofware: general guidelines, in particular separation of computation and visualization

Although I already did some work in the intersection of theory and simulation I'm still very new to this field and I need some guidance. If anybody can give some recommendations for introductory ...
RogueDodecahedron's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Visually appealing ways to plot singular vector fields with matplotlib or other foss tools

What is the best way to get a visual appealing plot of a singular vector field (if you want to visualize also the field strength). As an example I am playing with the electric fields of two point ...
Julia's user avatar
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How-to: Epic visualizations of 3D fractals?

I have seen videos like this before in the past of things like "3D Mandlebulbs" and similar fractal sets, but can anyone tell me what sorts of programs are actually used create these visualizations? ...
Loonuh's user avatar
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Visualizing the difference of two sets of VTK files

I have two sets of 300 VTK files and I want to get a graph comparing the average difference of the two sets. All files have a structured grid containing a scalar value named phi. At the end, I need a ...
IPA's user avatar
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Plot a surface from data sets in MATLAB

I tried to plot a surface in MATLAB but, since it is the first time I had to do something like this, I need a confirmation on the process I followed because it is important for my project to plot the ...
Rhei's user avatar
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Rendering Huge Data with Renderman Interface Bytestream

I have tones of geometrical objects (spheres, meshes) I want to render: One way would be to first write a .rib file which could be certainly done and then push that file to a renderman compliant ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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6 votes
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How can one produce a proper streamline plot?

I recently had trouble producing a proper streamline plot in Mathematica, and apparently the problem is a good bit harder than I appreciated. I would like to know if there exist general algorithms to ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
1 vote
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VTK File: How do I save data on a cell face?

I am writing a program that creates a vtk file with a Rectilinear Grid. I am able to save data to each one of the cells using CELL_DATA, but now, I need to save data to each one of the cell faces (x6)....
Victor's user avatar
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a circular plot from a vector which represents the temperature along the radius surface, which is the same for every radius

I have calculated the temperature of the section of a cylinder, which is subjected to a heat flow on its upper surface. Getting the temperature distribution in the 2D section. As shown in the ...
Santiago murillo's user avatar
4 votes
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Unwrap cylinder to plane in Paraview

I want to extract the data from the boundary surface of a cylinder (in a .vtu file) and plot it onto a plane, where the coordinates are theta (rotation angle) and Z(...
SAAD's user avatar
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Printing a plot in Octave-3.8.1 breaks LaTeX labels [closed]

Since upgrading to Octave 3.8 I have been unable to export plots with LaTeX labels. When the figure is displayed the labels render fine but when I try to export the figure using the ...
bainzo's user avatar
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5 votes
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Line Integral Convolution (LIC) Requirements

I'm trying to plot some vector fields using LIC technique. More specifically, I'm using the Python solution for this kind of plot. Before applying that approach, I was plotting my vectors as quiver. ...
pceccon's user avatar
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Visualising Maxwell's equations using MATLAB

I asked this question to help me understand what is going on in one of Maxwell's equations. I am happy with following through the maths on paper now, but would like to use MATLAB to take it one step ...
Steve Hatcher's user avatar
6 votes
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Using numpy arrays in Paraview programmable filter

How can I access a field in Paraview's programmable filter as a numpy array? I want to: Import an existing field as a numpy array Create a similar array for output Register it as a new field for ...
teekarna's user avatar
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Visualizing certain sets

I'm not sure if this question is appropriate for this site, so I appologize in advance if it's not. For the purpose of a certain project I am working on, I would like to have the following sets ...
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8 votes
4 answers

Should I use a database to handle large amounts of results?

Background: I am currently running a large amount parameter variation experiments. They are being run in Python 2.6+, using numpy. These experiments are going to take about 2 weeks to run. Roughly I ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar
2 votes
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WRL and VRML to Matplotlib/Numpy

I would like to import (or parse ??) a WRL/VRML file format in python in order to work the data with Matplotlib. Is there any way of converting this file format into plottable numpy arrays ? I ...
SAAD's user avatar
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visualization of 3D probability flow

I have a master equation for $P(N_A^+,N_B^+,N_C^+,t)$, with $N_A^+,N_B^+,N_C^+$ all discrete. The numerical integration is done by this Matlab program using Euler's method. Despite the crude Euler's ...
wdg's user avatar
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Simulating advection over a network of 1D pipes

I am trying to create a simulation to help visualize how different chemical components flow through a network of pipes with associated valves, pumps, and chemical inputs. In this simulation, the pipes ...
Will's user avatar
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Plotting 3d dimensional histogarm in a spatial grid

Is there any tool to plot 3d dimensional histogram in a spatial grid? Preferably are there any filters or operators in Paraview or Visit for this?
Stephen Jacob's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Visualizing finite element solutions in MATLAB

On my triangular mesh, I have the $(x,y,z)$ coordinates of each vertex of each triangle. For higher order elements, I refine each element a few times so I have more points to work with. If I just need ...
Justin Dong's user avatar
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How to interpret Turing Machine illustrations on p79 of Stephen Wolfram's "A New Kind of Science" book?

I am reading Stephen Wolfram's "A New Kind of Science". At present, I cannot understand how the cellular automata illustrations on p79 are created. In the patterns, the active cell, representing the ...
Lee's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How do I calculate the numerical difference between two fields stored in two different VTK files with the same structure?

Suppose I have two VTK files, both in structured grid format. The structured grids are the same (they have the same list of points, in the same order), and there is a field, call it "Phi", in each VTK ...
Geoff Oxberry's user avatar
1 vote
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Converting VTK point dataset of scalar values to a smooth surface

Does Paraview or Visit have any filters to draw a smooth surface for a set of points?
Stephen Jacob's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there an Implementation of the Hilbert curve from $[0,1]$ to $[0,1]^n$, where $n$ is large? ($n=10,000$, say)

I would like to map each point in $[0,1]$ to $[0,1]^n$ with a Hilbert curve, where $n=10,000$. That is $$ f: [0,1] \to [0,1]^n, $$ is the $n$-dimensional Hilbert curve. I found the library of Cortesi,...
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quiver3 gives non-conformant arguments?

Does anyone know why I'm seeing these errors? I'm not giving it a matrix. ...
Bob R's user avatar
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Finding a molecular dynamics visualization library for C

I asked this question over at stackoverflow, and got blasted for it. I am currently working with legacy MD code written in C that my university uses, and haven't moved to a more modern library like ...
NuclearAlchemist's user avatar
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Optimizing display of millions of triangles per second

I am working on a web-based molecular visualization program for a research project (e.g., one that can display XYZ and PDB files). The current options are outdated (for instance, Jmol uses Java). My ...
Nick's user avatar
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Python scripting in Paraview

I've been using the basic visualization features of Paraview. Now, I want to go further by writing python macros to handle some specific tasks. My question for the advanced users: Are there any ...
SAAD's user avatar
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