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I am building a gradient descent model based on portfolio optimization. Currently, I have finished the model and am able to run it smoothly without any problem. However, there's one issue that I couldn't missfix: the optimal vector components have negative values. As my portfolio does not support short-selling stocks, this optimal solution may not be a convincing solution to my portfolio.

Model Description

I will brief through my model as below: MyMy cost function for the portfolio problem is defined as

Cost Function


where x$x$ and Covariance$\boldsymbol{\Sigma}$ are my minimizer vector and positive definite covariance matrix.

Aug Lagrange $\frac{\gamma}{2}(e^Tx-1)^2+\lambda(e^Tx-1)$ is the augmented lagrangian method for the constraint Vector Sum constraint

$e^Tx=1$ and Penalty function$\rho\sum_{i=1}^n\max(0,-x_i)^2$ is the penalty methodimposing $x_i>0]$ for all vector x , the component i incomponents of x$x$.

As it can be seen here, my objective is to find the optimum solution for x$x$ using the Steepest Descent method. Hence, I start to build my Python code as below:

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm

def penalty_f(v):
    return  np.sum([np.power(max(0., -xi),2) for xi in v])

def penalty_df(v):
    return -2.*np.array([max(0, -xi) for xi in v])

def aug_lag(lam, v):
    new_lam = lam + gam*(np.sum(v)-1.)
    return new_lam

def lipschitz(v):
    lips = beta_1*np.sqrt(np.trace(cov@cov)) + beta_2*np.sqrt(len(v)) + gam*len(v)
    return min(1,1/lips)

def project_f(v, lam_k):
    func = 0.5*beta_1*v.T@cov@v - b*mean.T@v + gam/2*(np.sum(v)-1.)**2 + lam_k*(np.sum(v)-1.) + beta_2/2*v@v + rho*penalty_f(v)
    return func

def project_df(v, lam_k):
    par_func = beta_1*cov@v - b*mean + gam*np.ones_like(v)*(np.sum(v)-1.) + lam_k*np.ones_like(v) + beta_2*v + rho*penalty_df(v)
    return par_func
def gradient_descent(f, df, ini_v, tolerance, lam, MAX_ITER=10000, output_fname='output.txt'):
    vec = ini_v
    negative = 0
    aug_lam = lam
    with open(output_fname, 'w') as out:
        for i in range(MAX_ITER):
            alpha = lipschitz(vec)
            f_value = f(vec, aug_lam)
            gradient = df(vec, aug_lam)
            direction = np.negative(gradient)
            vec += alpha * direction
            aug_lam = aug_lag(aug_lam, vec)
            print("No. of zeros: ", len(vec)-np.count_nonzero(vec))
            print(norm(gradient,2), "," , f_value)
            msg = f'{f_value},{norm(gradient,2)}, {str(list(vec))}\n'

            # stopping criteria
            if norm(gradient,2) < tolerance:
                print ("The optimum vector for", {df}, " is at ", vec,"at iteration ", i+1)
                for i in vec:
                    if i < 0:
                        negative += 1
                print("No of negative: ", negative)
                print("Vector sum: ",np.sum(vec))
                print("Gradient: ", norm(gradient,2))
            if i == MAX_ITER:
                print ('Higher no. of iterations is needed for', {df})
                print ("Vector: ", vec)
                print("Vector sum: ",np.sum(vec))
                print("Gradient: ", norm(gradient,2))
    return vec

When my assessed stocks areI assess 30 and aboveor more stocks, the negative components start to appear. Hope to know if there'sIs there anything I can improve or take note of when performing portfolio optimization?

I am building a gradient descent model based on portfolio optimization. Currently, I have finished the model and am able to run it smoothly without any problem. However, there's one issue that I couldn't miss: the optimal vector components have negative values. As my portfolio does not support short-selling stocks, this optimal solution may not be a convincing solution to my portfolio.

I will brief through my model as below: My cost function for the portfolio problem is defined as

Cost Function

where x and Covariance are my minimizer vector and positive definite covariance matrix.

Aug Lagrange is the augmented lagrangian method for the constraint Vector Sum constraint

and Penalty function is the penalty method for all vector x , the component i in x.

As it can be seen here, my objective is to find the optimum solution for x using the Steepest Descent method. Hence, I start to build my Python code as below:

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm

def penalty_f(v):
    return  np.sum([np.power(max(0., -xi),2) for xi in v])

def penalty_df(v):
    return -2.*np.array([max(0, -xi) for xi in v])

def aug_lag(lam, v):
    new_lam = lam + gam*(np.sum(v)-1.)
    return new_lam

def lipschitz(v):
    lips = beta_1*np.sqrt(np.trace(cov@cov)) + beta_2*np.sqrt(len(v)) + gam*len(v)
    return min(1,1/lips)

def project_f(v, lam_k):
    func = 0.5*beta_1*v.T@cov@v - b*mean.T@v + gam/2*(np.sum(v)-1.)**2 + lam_k*(np.sum(v)-1.) + beta_2/2*v@v + rho*penalty_f(v)
    return func

def project_df(v, lam_k):
    par_func = beta_1*cov@v - b*mean + gam*np.ones_like(v)*(np.sum(v)-1.) + lam_k*np.ones_like(v) + beta_2*v + rho*penalty_df(v)
    return par_func
 def gradient_descent(f, df, ini_v, tolerance, lam, MAX_ITER=10000, output_fname='output.txt'):
    vec = ini_v
    negative = 0
    aug_lam = lam
    with open(output_fname, 'w') as out:
        for i in range(MAX_ITER):
            alpha = lipschitz(vec)
            f_value = f(vec, aug_lam)
            gradient = df(vec, aug_lam)
            direction = np.negative(gradient)
            vec += alpha * direction
            aug_lam = aug_lag(aug_lam, vec)
            print("No. of zeros: ", len(vec)-np.count_nonzero(vec))
            print(norm(gradient,2), "," , f_value)
            msg = f'{f_value},{norm(gradient,2)}, {str(list(vec))}\n'

            # stopping criteria
            if norm(gradient,2) < tolerance:
                print ("The optimum vector for", {df}, " is at ", vec,"at iteration ", i+1)
                for i in vec:
                    if i < 0:
                        negative += 1
                print("No of negative: ", negative)
                print("Vector sum: ",np.sum(vec))
                print("Gradient: ", norm(gradient,2))
            if i == MAX_ITER:
                print ('Higher no. of iterations is needed for', {df})
                print ("Vector: ", vec)
                print("Vector sum: ",np.sum(vec))
                print("Gradient: ", norm(gradient,2))
    return vec

When my assessed stocks are 30 and above, the negative components start to appear. Hope to know if there's anything I can improve or take note of when performing portfolio optimization?

I am building a gradient descent model based on portfolio optimization. Currently, I have finished the model and am able to run it smoothly without any problem. However, there's one issue that I couldn't fix: the optimal vector components have negative values. As my portfolio does not support short-selling stocks, this optimal solution may not be a convincing solution to my portfolio.

Model Description

My cost function for the portfolio problem is defined as


where $x$ and $\boldsymbol{\Sigma}$ are my minimizer vector and positive definite covariance matrix. $\frac{\gamma}{2}(e^Tx-1)^2+\lambda(e^Tx-1)$ is the augmented lagrangian method for the constraint $e^Tx=1$ and $\rho\sum_{i=1}^n\max(0,-x_i)^2$ is the penalty imposing $x_i>0]$ for all components of $x$.

As can be seen here, my objective is to find the optimum solution for $x$ using the Steepest Descent method. Hence, I start to build my Python code as below:

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm

def penalty_f(v):
    return  np.sum([np.power(max(0., -xi),2) for xi in v])

def penalty_df(v):
    return -2.*np.array([max(0, -xi) for xi in v])

def aug_lag(lam, v):
    new_lam = lam + gam*(np.sum(v)-1.)
    return new_lam

def lipschitz(v):
    lips = beta_1*np.sqrt(np.trace(cov@cov)) + beta_2*np.sqrt(len(v)) + gam*len(v)
    return min(1,1/lips)

def project_f(v, lam_k):
    func = 0.5*beta_1*v.T@cov@v - b*mean.T@v + gam/2*(np.sum(v)-1.)**2 + lam_k*(np.sum(v)-1.) + beta_2/2*v@v + rho*penalty_f(v)
    return func

def project_df(v, lam_k):
    par_func = beta_1*cov@v - b*mean + gam*np.ones_like(v)*(np.sum(v)-1.) + lam_k*np.ones_like(v) + beta_2*v + rho*penalty_df(v)
    return par_func
def gradient_descent(f, df, ini_v, tolerance, lam, MAX_ITER=10000, output_fname='output.txt'):
    vec = ini_v
    negative = 0
    aug_lam = lam
    with open(output_fname, 'w') as out:
        for i in range(MAX_ITER):
            alpha = lipschitz(vec)
            f_value = f(vec, aug_lam)
            gradient = df(vec, aug_lam)
            direction = np.negative(gradient)
            vec += alpha * direction
            aug_lam = aug_lag(aug_lam, vec)
            print("No. of zeros: ", len(vec)-np.count_nonzero(vec))
            print(norm(gradient,2), "," , f_value)
            msg = f'{f_value},{norm(gradient,2)}, {str(list(vec))}\n'

            # stopping criteria
            if norm(gradient,2) < tolerance:
                print ("The optimum vector for", {df}, " is at ", vec,"at iteration ", i+1)
                for i in vec:
                    if i < 0:
                        negative += 1
                print("No of negative: ", negative)
                print("Vector sum: ",np.sum(vec))
                print("Gradient: ", norm(gradient,2))
            if i == MAX_ITER:
                print ('Higher no. of iterations is needed for', {df})
                print ("Vector: ", vec)
                print("Vector sum: ",np.sum(vec))
                print("Gradient: ", norm(gradient,2))
    return vec

When I assess 30 or more stocks, negative components start to appear. Is there anything I can improve or take note of when performing portfolio optimization?

added 653 characters in body
Source Link

Here is the result I obtained using 33 stocks:

The optimum vector for {<function project_df at 0x000001FA50FF2D30>}  is at  [-0.03442667 -0.01839447  0.03305939 -0.04319195  0.00353058  0.13003235
  0.09405175  0.00022958  0.08010633 -0.02831581 -0.04066535 -0.02875569
  0.04953858 -0.04019486  0.22866438 -0.03474848 -0.00029308  0.09792178
  0.11669689 -0.08569448  0.00405406  0.05544077  0.12273198  0.09615974
 -0.04374827  0.16994986  0.00670517  0.04772238  0.01729612  0.05218545
  0.03484764 -0.03438397 -0.00811171] at iteration  1230
No of negative:  13
Vector sum:  1.0000000001114249
Gradient:  9.961948573544883e-07

When my assessed stocks are 30 and above, the negative components start to appear. Hope to know if there's anything I can improve or take note of when performing portfolio optimization?

When my assessed stocks are 30 and above, the negative components start to appear. Hope to know if there's anything I can improve or take note of when performing portfolio optimization?

Here is the result I obtained using 33 stocks:

The optimum vector for {<function project_df at 0x000001FA50FF2D30>}  is at  [-0.03442667 -0.01839447  0.03305939 -0.04319195  0.00353058  0.13003235
  0.09405175  0.00022958  0.08010633 -0.02831581 -0.04066535 -0.02875569
  0.04953858 -0.04019486  0.22866438 -0.03474848 -0.00029308  0.09792178
  0.11669689 -0.08569448  0.00405406  0.05544077  0.12273198  0.09615974
 -0.04374827  0.16994986  0.00670517  0.04772238  0.01729612  0.05218545
  0.03484764 -0.03438397 -0.00811171] at iteration  1230
No of negative:  13
Vector sum:  1.0000000001114249
Gradient:  9.961948573544883e-07

When my assessed stocks are 30 and above, the negative components start to appear. Hope to know if there's anything I can improve or take note of when performing portfolio optimization?

Source Link

How to constrain the every optimized vector component to be nonnegative?

I am building a gradient descent model based on portfolio optimization. Currently, I have finished the model and am able to run it smoothly without any problem. However, there's one issue that I couldn't miss: the optimal vector components have negative values. As my portfolio does not support short-selling stocks, this optimal solution may not be a convincing solution to my portfolio.

I will brief through my model as below: My cost function for the portfolio problem is defined as

Cost Function

where x and Covariance are my minimizer vector and positive definite covariance matrix.

Aug Lagrange is the augmented lagrangian method for the constraint Vector Sum constraint

and Penalty function is the penalty method for all vector x , the component i in x.

As it can be seen here, my objective is to find the optimum solution for x using the Steepest Descent method. Hence, I start to build my Python code as below:

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm

def penalty_f(v):
    return  np.sum([np.power(max(0., -xi),2) for xi in v])

def penalty_df(v):
    return -2.*np.array([max(0, -xi) for xi in v])

def aug_lag(lam, v):
    new_lam = lam + gam*(np.sum(v)-1.)
    return new_lam

def lipschitz(v):
    lips = beta_1*np.sqrt(np.trace(cov@cov)) + beta_2*np.sqrt(len(v)) + gam*len(v)
    return min(1,1/lips)

def project_f(v, lam_k):
    func = 0.5*beta_1*v.T@cov@v - b*mean.T@v + gam/2*(np.sum(v)-1.)**2 + lam_k*(np.sum(v)-1.) + beta_2/2*v@v + rho*penalty_f(v)
    return func

def project_df(v, lam_k):
    par_func = beta_1*cov@v - b*mean + gam*np.ones_like(v)*(np.sum(v)-1.) + lam_k*np.ones_like(v) + beta_2*v + rho*penalty_df(v)
    return par_func
def gradient_descent(f, df, ini_v, tolerance, lam, MAX_ITER=10000, output_fname='output.txt'):
    vec = ini_v
    negative = 0
    aug_lam = lam
    with open(output_fname, 'w') as out:
        for i in range(MAX_ITER):
            alpha = lipschitz(vec)
            f_value = f(vec, aug_lam)
            gradient = df(vec, aug_lam)
            direction = np.negative(gradient)
            vec += alpha * direction
            aug_lam = aug_lag(aug_lam, vec)
            print("No. of zeros: ", len(vec)-np.count_nonzero(vec))
            print(norm(gradient,2), "," , f_value)
            msg = f'{f_value},{norm(gradient,2)}, {str(list(vec))}\n'

            # stopping criteria
            if norm(gradient,2) < tolerance:
                print ("The optimum vector for", {df}, " is at ", vec,"at iteration ", i+1)
                for i in vec:
                    if i < 0:
                        negative += 1
                print("No of negative: ", negative)
                print("Vector sum: ",np.sum(vec))
                print("Gradient: ", norm(gradient,2))
            if i == MAX_ITER:
                print ('Higher no. of iterations is needed for', {df})
                print ("Vector: ", vec)
                print("Vector sum: ",np.sum(vec))
                print("Gradient: ", norm(gradient,2))
    return vec

When my assessed stocks are 30 and above, the negative components start to appear. Hope to know if there's anything I can improve or take note of when performing portfolio optimization?

P.S. The data to the mean and covariance is in the link

import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.read_excel('Covariance.xlsx', sheet_name=0, header=None)
df2 = pd.read_excel('Covariance.xlsx', sheet_name=1, header=None)
np_cov_1 = df1.values
mean_1 = df2.values.reshape(len(df2))
ini_vec_1 = np.array([1. / (len(df2)) for i in range(len(df1))])