You might wish to ask Michael Grant, the author of CVX, to discipline your function in the next release of CVX.
In the mean time, try IPOPT form COIN-OR, which is a fairly robust general purpose solver for nonlinear programming problems. To make it work, you need to remove the psd constraint by replacing each occurrence of $C$ by $R^TR$, where $R$ is an upper triangular matrix with nonnegative diagonal entries.
Since IPOPT expects smooth constraints, you also need to replace the nonsmooth L1 constraint $\|S−C\|_1\le \alpha$ (assuming the 1-norm to be the column sum norm) by the smooth constraints $$-X\le R^TR-C \le X,~~~ e^TX\le \alpha e,$$ where $e$ is the all-one vector, and $X$ is a matrix of new variables.