With integer variables, the whole problem can be cast as a MILP after some tricks from integer and quadratic programming. Perhaps not what you want to do in your case, but at least this is a guaranteed global approach
Multiplication between binary and continuous can be written using linear constraints and auxiliary variables.
Polynomials of binaries can be written using linear constraints and auxilliary variables.
Bounded integer variables can be written using binary variables.
The optimal solution to the inner QP can be written using KKT conditions, involving products between $y$ and $x$, and complementarity.
Complementarity constraints can be handled using additional binary variables and constraints.
First normalize the notation and assume the inner program is to minimize $c^T(y)x + \frac{1}{2}x^TQ(y)x$, subject to constraints $Ex\leq f$. The optimal solution is defined by the KKT conditions
$$Q(y)x + c(y) + E^T\lambda=0\\ \lambda^T(f - Ex) = 0\\\lambda\geq 0\\f-Ex\geq 0$$
In any point satisfying the optimality conditions, the objective is equal to $\frac{1}{2}(c(y)^Tx-f^T\lambda)$.In the outer program where we wish to minimize the objective, we thus want to minimize $-\frac{1}{2}(c(y)^Tx-f^T\lambda)$.
We note that we have an equality involving a quadratic function of $y$ multiplied with $x$ (thus linearizable), a complementarity condition (linearizable) and a bilinear term in the objective (linearizable).
Quite a bit of different things to put together. In the code below, I will use the MATLAB Toolbox YALMIP (disclaimer: developed by me) to test this. It has built-in functionality for the linearizations, and MILP-modelling of the complementarity.
% Define a random problem
n = 4;
B = randn(n);
B = B*B';
A = ones(1,n);
b = 1;
U = rand(n,1);
L = -rand(n,1);
E = [eye(n);-eye(n)];
f = [U;-L];
% Define decision variables
x = sdpvar(n,1);
% y is modelled as a selection from possible values
PossibleY = [-1;0;1];
Selector = binvar(n,length(PossibleY),'full');
y = Selector*PossibleY;
ConstrainSelection = sum(Selector,2) == 1
% Inner problem min_x c(y)'*x + .5*x'*Q(y)*x
lambda = sdpvar(length(f),1);
c = -y;
Q = 2*(B.*(y*y'));
Stationary = Q*x+c+E'*lambda == 0;
Complementarity = complements(lambda>=0, f - E*x>=0);
Objective = 0.5*(c'*x - f'*lambda);
% Objective we actually maximized in inner and whish o minimize in
% the outer problem
OuterObjective = -Objective;
% Linearize binary*binary and binary*continuous
LinearizedStationary = binmodel([Stationary,[L<=x<=U]]);
[LinearizedObjective,Cuts] = binmodel(OuterObjective,[L<=x<=U]);
% Solve the problem
A*y == b,ConstrainSelection],LinearizedObjective)
% Check that the linearization actually worked
[value(LinearizedObjective) -value(c'*x + .5*x'*Q*x)]
% Small sanity check. Check by solving everything for fixed x, keeping
% kkt conditions, to ensure the new y still renders x optimal.
Objective = value(x)'*y - y'*(B.*(value(x*x')))*y;
[LinearizedObjective,Cuts] = binmodel(Objective);
LinearizedStationary = binmodel([Q*value(x)+c+E'*lambda == 0]);
optimize([Cuts,A*y == b,lambda>=0, lambda'*(f - E*value(x))==0,LinearizedStationary],LinearizedObjective)