The partial differential equation is a combination of the diffusion plus convective transport equations and an adsorption sink. The equation for one-dimensional solute transport model is:
$$\frac{\partial C}{\partial t} = D\frac{\partial^ 2C}{\partial^ 2x}-v\frac{\partial C}{\partial x} - \frac{\rho}{\theta} \frac{\partial S}{\partial t}$$
where, C = solute concentration, D = dispersion coefficient, v = average pore-water velocity, x = distance from the inflow position, and t = time. Assuming the adsorption process is a first order reversible reaction, the rate of mass transfer to the adsorbed phase, $\frac{\partial S}{\partial t} = \frac{k_{A}\theta C}{\rho}-k_{D}S$; where, $k_{A}$ and $k_{D}$ are the adsorption (forward) and desorption (backward) rate coefficients (unit: 1/time), $\theta$ is the soil-water content by volume, and $\rho$ is the bulk density of the soil system.
The fully explicit finite-difference approximation for all except for the first order reversible reaction term can be written simply as (also, tested to work fine against exact solution):
$$C_{x,t} = C_{x,t-\Delta t} + \frac{D \Delta t}{\Delta x^2}(C|_{x+\Delta x, t-\Delta t}- 2C|_{x,t-\Delta t} + C|_{x-\Delta x,t-\Delta t}) - \frac{v\Delta t}{2 \Delta x}(C|_{x+\Delta x,t-\Delta t} - C|_{x-\Delta x, t-\Delta t}) $$
I cannot seem to figure out how the above finite-difference approximation could be modified to incorporate the reaction-term defined above. Hint: Page#96-99 of the this book does provide a solution but I just cannot get my head around it. I'm supplying the best known articles for the analytical solution and numerical solution that I could find. Any help with reproducible example codes would be hihgly appreciated.