I'm simulating a simple 3-node bar with convection BCs at the edges to validate my FEM code. The following data was used:
Initial temperature = 25 ºC
Temperature surrounding the rod = 10 ºC
Thermal conductivity = 0
Specific heat capacity = Density = Convection coefficient = 1
For time -> infinity the two nodes at the edge converged to 10 ºC (which was expected). However, at the middle node the temperature should had maintained its initial value of 25 ºC since there's no thermal conductivity but it raised up to a higher temperature (32.5 ºC) and I have no clue why is this happening.
Edit1: I followed these steps:
1) Assuming the standard transient heat-equation:
$$\rho.c_p\ \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} - k\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2} = 0$$
2) After the formal FEM procedure and using Euler-Backward time-integration I arrived to the following formulation:
$$ \rho.c_p \int N_i\ N_j\ d\Omega\ \frac{T_j^{t+1}-T_j^t}{\Delta t} +\ k\int N'_i\ N'_j\ d\Omega\ \ T_j^{t+1}\ + h\int N_i\ N_j\ d\Gamma\ \ T_j^{t+1}\\= h\ T_{surrounding} \int N_i\ d\Gamma$$
$\rho:\ $Density
$c_p:\ $Specific heat capacity
$k:\ $ Thermal conductivity
$h:\ $Convective heat transfer coefficient
If $k\rightarrow \ 0$ then the above related problem appears.
Edit 2: The step-by-step procedure I followed to arrive at the equation presented at point 2 of Edit 1 was the following:
Step 1) Multiply the PDE at point 1 by the weight function (w) and integrate over the domain:
$$\rho c_p \int \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} w\ d\Omega + \int \overrightarrow{\nabla}.(-k\overrightarrow{\nabla} T) w\ d\Omega = 0$$
Step 2) Apply divergence theorem on the second term at the Left Hand-Side of the equation:
$$\rho c_p \int \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} w\ d\Omega - k\oint (\overrightarrow{\nabla} T .\overrightarrow{n}) w\ d\Gamma + k\int \overrightarrow{\nabla} T . \overrightarrow{\nabla} w\ d\Omega = 0$$
$$\rho c_p \int \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} w\ d\Omega + k\int \overrightarrow{\nabla} T . \overrightarrow{\nabla} w\ d\Omega = \oint k(\overrightarrow{\nabla} T .\overrightarrow{n}) w\ d\Gamma$$
where $\overrightarrow{n}$ and $\overrightarrow{\nabla}$ denotes the outward normal vector at the boundary and the gradient vector, respectively.
Step 3) Using the following relation
$$k\overrightarrow{\nabla}T.\overrightarrow{n}\ + h(T-T_{\infty}) = 0$$
at the Right Hand-Side of latter equation at Step 2 one arrives to:
$$\rho c_p \int \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} w\ d\Omega + k\int \overrightarrow{\nabla} T . \overrightarrow{\nabla} w\ d\Omega = \oint -h(T-T_{\infty}) w\ d\Gamma$$
Where $$T_{\infty} = T_{surrounding}$$ is the surrounding temperature.
Step 4) Rearranging the Right Hand-Side
$$\rho c_p \int \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} w\ d\Omega + k\int \overrightarrow{\nabla} T . \overrightarrow{\nabla} w\ d\Omega + \oint h\ T\ w\ d\Gamma = \oint h\ T_{\infty}\ w\ d\Gamma$$
and using $T = N_jT_j$, $w = N_i$ and assuming a Backward-Euler time integration scheme we'll have
$$\rho c_p \int N_iN_j\ d\Omega\ \frac{T_j^{t+1}-T_j^t}{\Delta t} + k\int \overrightarrow{\nabla}N_i.\overrightarrow{\nabla} N_j\ d\Omega\ T_j^{t+1} + h\oint N_i N_j\ d\Gamma\ T_j^{t+1} = \\h\oint T_{\infty} N_i\ d\Gamma$$
Or in matrix form
$$[M]\frac{T^{t+1}-T^t}{\Delta t} + [K]T^{t+1} + [H]T^{t+1} = F$$