I'm working on a problem given in Nocedal & Wright's Numerical Optimization 2nd Edition, pg 303 Exercise 11.7:
Consider a line-search newton method in which the step length $\alpha_k$ is chosen to be the exact minimizer of the merit function $f(\cdot)$; that is,
$$\alpha_k = argmin_\alpha [f(x_k-\alpha J^{-1}(x_k)r(x_k))]$$
Show that if $J(x)$ is non-singular at the solution $x^*$, then $\alpha_k\rightarrow 1$ as $x_k\rightarrow x^*$.
In this problem, we seek $x^*$ such that $r(x^*)=0$, where $r:R^n\rightarrow R^n$ and use a merit function $f(x)$ to globalize the convergence of newton's method with a line search.
I'm trying to work this proof out on my own, but I've run into some difficulties. First of all, I understand that the newton direction $\Delta x_k =-J^{-1}(x_k)r(x_k)$ is a descent direction. Also, if we (theoretically) chose the step length $\alpha_k$ as above, then the new step should satisfy the sufficient decrease condition (Armijo condition):
$$f(x_k+\alpha_k\Delta x)\le f(x_k)+c\alpha_k\nabla f(x_k)^T\Delta x$$ for some $0<c\le1$.
I understand that in practice, we try using the full newton step $\alpha_k=1$ first. If the newton step doesn't produce sufficient decrease, then we search back until sufficient decrease is met. I'm thinking that the fact that the jacobian being non-degenerate implies that there exists a ball around $x^*$ such that the full newton step always satisfies armijo's condition. Thus, as we get closer to the root, the newton step is enough to ensure sufficient decrease. However, I'm not entirely sure that such a ball exists.
I've also tried assuming that $\alpha_k\rightarrow a\ne1$ as $x_k\rightarrow x^*$, but the search for a contradition is somewhat mysterious to me.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! :)