I am currently working on a project where I need to use Fourier spectral methods to solve the KS equation. I found this code which is using the Fourier spectral methods to solve the classic 1D heat equation. Here's the code:
Solving Heat Equation using pseudo-spectral and Forward Euler
u_t= \alpha*u_xx
BC= u(0)=0, u(2*pi)=0
import math
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator
# Grid
N = 64 # Number of steps
h = 2*math.pi/N # step size
x = h*numpy.arange(0,N) # discretize x-direction
alpha = 0.5 # Thermal Diffusivity constant
t = 0
dt = .001
# Initial conditions
v = numpy.sin(x)
I = complex(0,1)
k = numpy.array([I*y for y in range(0,N/2) + [0] + range(-N/2+1,0)])
# Setting up Plot
tmax = 5; tplot = .1;
plotgap = int(round(tplot/dt))
nplots = int(round(tmax/tplot))
data = numpy.zeros((nplots+1,N))
data[0,:] = v
tdata = [t]
for i in xrange(nplots):
v_hat = numpy.fft.fft(v)
for n in xrange(plotgap):
v_hat = v_hat+dt*alpha*k2*v_hat # FE timestepping
v = numpy.real(numpy.fft.ifft(v_hat)) # back to real space
data[i+1,:] = v
# real time vector
t = t+plotgap*dt
I don't really understand how the code deals with the boundary conditions. I understand that the initial condition satisfies the boundary conditions. But in the code there is nothing about the boundary conditions.
How should I proceed to change the boundary conditions in this code? For exemple how would I compute periodic boundary conditions for the heat equation?