I am doing a physics experiment that involves releasing gas from a reservoir into a vacuum chamber via a pulsed nozzle and I am interested in knowing what would be a simple (and reasonably accurate) way to simulate the gas density distribution over a certain volume in space in front of the nozzle and over time after the nozzle is opened.
The pressures involved in the reservoir, $P_R$, range from few mbars to 500 mbar (nitrogen).
The background vacuum pressure, $P_0$, is on the order of 1e-6 mbar.
The nozzle length, $L$, is about 20 cm, with opening diameter, $a$, of about 2 mm.
The distance from the opening of the nozzle, $D$, is about 20 cm.
The problem is to solve for the pressure, $P(\mathbf{x},t)$, which is the pressure as a function of space and time after the nozzle opens (over a time period of say 5 ms) within a small volume (say 1 cm diameter sphere) centered at the point an axial distance $D$ away from the nozzle.
I believe within the ranges of these parameters, there is an intermediate transition from molecular to continuous (or supersonic) flow, which is why a fluid dynamical approach seems appropriate.
I am not that well read on fluid dynamics, so I could use help in terms of what to read up on that can get me up to speed on how I might do this particular simulation, i.e., how I can model this using fluid mechanical equations, or the Lattice Boltzmann method if applicable, and whether there are software packages available.
If the simulations can be extended to include various nozzle shapes (conical) and use of skimmers (which can probably be defined as boundary conditions) and various gas species like argon (which can probably be accounted for by various parameters in the fluid equations) that would also be useful.