Main source of instability here is that when all numbers are very close to each other,- expression approaches indeterminate form $\frac 00$. Add GPU rounding errors and it becomes obvious why you get unstable results. We can't get rid much of floating point rounding errors, because it's built-in into GPU floating point format, but we can try to get rid of indeterminate form mathematical uncertainty. For that try to compute expression
$$ \frac {1}{1-z/x} - \frac {y}{x-z} ,$$
which is mathematically equivalent to your given one, but is more stable, because now you will not have indeterminate forms $0/0$, assuming $y \neq 0$ and $z \neq 0$.
As a test shot, I have tried such variables,
Then I have changed $x$ accordingly ,
| x |
Then I have noticed that relative error between steps of old and new expressions differs radically :
| Err_Old (%) | Err_New (%) |
|33.4072431633408 | 33.4814814817031|
|49.9999999999999 | 24.9999999997805|
|45.4545454545456 | 9.09090909099427|
Which shows that second expression converges gracefully, while original one- jumps in error and later re-considers back.
Note: do not expect black magic here, because these may be false result, due to not enough points taken (I have played with LibreCalc, so...). Besides results may depend on exact $x,y,z$ values taken and how they converges. In addition , GPU floating point inaccuracy may even spoil this small advantage. However, worth a try.