I am solving a heat equation $u_t=Au$ with Crank-Nicolson finite-difference method and $A$ is a usual discretization matrix for $u_{xx}$ term. I want to tell something about the whole error vector over the entire grid. I can write the discrete iteration of the the method as $$u^{n+1}=Bu^n=\frac{I+\tau/2A}{I-\tau/2A}u^n$$ Since $B$ is normal I have $\rho(B)=||B||_2$ and I can see that having known eigenvalues of $A$ I can find eigenvalues of $B$ and thus I have $||B||_2\leq 1$ and $||e||_2=O(h^2)$ where $e$ is the vector error over the whole grid in the discrete $L^2$ norm.
Thus, my first question is whether I can imply $||e||_{\infty}=O(h^2)$ for Crank-Nicolson as well? For that I need to estimate $||B||_{\infty}=\max_{i,j}b_{i,j}$ and I don't know how to do that.
Second question, if the question one is a true statement, I have estimates for the error in two discrete norms: $L^2$ and $L^{\infty}$. What is the intuition of having $L^2$ discrete error of the error vector of order two, to me it looks that "on average" the error decreases by two, so if I pick the point on the grid I don't have to have quadratic convergence? Can I imply anything about how that will be converging at a particular point on the grid? The same question about $L^{\infty}$ norm. Which one should I use to measure the error, would one imply the other?