I'm trying to solve a system non linear-equations: $$ \frac{\partial K(\mathbf{\lambda})}{\partial \lambda_i} - c_i = 0 $$ for $i = 1, \dots, 15$, using Newton's method: $$ \lambda^{k + 1} = \lambda^k + p^{k+1} $$ $$ p^{k+1} = - J(\lambda_k)^{-1} \big (\nabla_\lambda K(\lambda_k) - \mathbf{c}\big ). $$ I know that the Jacobian has to be positive definite in my problem, but in practice it is often quite bad conditioned ( $k(J) \approx 10^{15}$ ). I am perturbing it's eigenvalues but still the algorithm doesn't manage to satisfy the convergence criterion: $$ \bigg |\frac{\partial K(\mathbf{\lambda})}{\partial \lambda_i} - c_i \bigg |= 0 $$ for some of the equations, while others converge quite rapidly. Increasing the number of iterations doesn't change anything.
My supervisor suggested me to use a blocked scheme where, if some of the equations have converged you keep iterating on the equations that have not. I don't quite understand how to use Newton's algorithm on a subgroup of equations so I would like to ask if somebody knows how this can be done. Alternatively I would appreciate suggestions on how to deal with this problem.
I must add that I'm using line search with objective function: $$ f(\lambda) = K(\mathbf{\lambda}) - \mathbf{\lambda}^T \mathbf{c} $$ which should be fine because it is convex (in theory though because the Hessian is almost singular). I'm checking whether the step is decreasing the objective enough, that is I check: $$ f(\lambda^k + \alpha p^k) < f(\lambda^k) + \gamma \, \alpha \, (\nabla_\lambda K(\lambda_k) - \mathbf{c}\big )^T p^k $$ with $\gamma = 10^{-4}$. If the condition is not true I divide $\alpha$ by 2. Most of the time the condition is true in the first step, so I rarely have to halve the step.
It seems to be converging if I use a QR decomposition to solve the linear system, without perturbing the eigenvalues of $J$. Not sure whether I should trust the output though!