I am trying to reformulate the following problem to be solved efficiently (by MOSEK) $$ \min_{X} \text{Tr}(CX)+\lambda\sum_{i,j}|x_{i,j}| \\ \text{s.t.} \quad ||X||_F\le1 \quad \text{and} \quad X\ge 0 \text{,} $$ where Tr() is the trace, $C \in \mathcal{S}^{n\times n}$ a real symmetric matrix, $X \in \mathcal{S}_{+}^{n\times n}$, the unknown positive-semidefinite (PSD) matrix, $\lambda$ the regularization parameter, and $x_{i,j}$ the $(i,j)^{th}$ entry of $X$.
I have two formulations: one obtained by myself and one obtained via YALMIP. The one obtained by YALMIP is solved more efficiently, and I'd like to know how that specific conversion is done. Below I present both formulations.
For simplicity in presentation, my formulation below does not show $x_{i,j}=x_{j,i}$, but this is incorporated in actual implementation. My simple formulation is $$ \min_{X} \text{Tr}(CX)+\lambda\sum_{i,j}t_{i,j} \\ \text{s.t.}\quad -t_{i,j}+x_{i,j}<0 \\ -t_{i,j}-x_{i,j}<0 \\ ||X||_F\le 1 \\ X\ge 0 \text{,} \\ $$ which involves $n(n+1)$ inequalities, a quadratic cone, a PSD cone, and $n(n+1)$ variables. (I hope I have these numbers right.)
YALMIP produces the following problem for MOSEK (using export.m
), which I assume is equivalent up to some simple conversion because its solution is not the solution for the original problem. Because my understanding of this formulation is limited, I will use $n=2$ as a specific example.
\min_{X} t \\
\text{s.t.}\quad t\ge \sqrt{y_{10}^2+y_{11}^2+y_{12}^2} \\
y_{10}=c_{1,1}+y_1-y_2-x_{1,1} \\
y_{11}=\sqrt{2}\,c_{1,2}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(y_3-y_4+y_5-y_6)-\sqrt{2}\,x_{1,2} \\
y_{12}=c_{2,2}+y_7-y_8-x_{2,2} \\
y_{i}+y_{i+1}=\lambda \quad \text{for}\quad i=1,3,5,7 \\
y_i\ge 0 \quad \text{for}\quad i=1,2,...,8 \\
X\ge 0 \text{,}
which involves a quadratic cone, a PSD cone, about $n(n+1)$ equalities, $n(n+1)$ inequalities, and $3\times n(n+1)/2$ variables.
YALMIP problem is solved much more efficiently. It seems like it tries to complete a square, and implement $\lambda|x_k|$ by $(y_i-y_{i+1})x_k$. Any insight on how the YALMIP problem is formulated will be very helpful. Thank you.