I have multiple plane constraints in $\mathbb{R}^3$ of the form:
$$n_i \cdot x \ge \delta_i$$
Where $n_i$ is the $i$th plane normal (in form (x, y, z)), $x$ is a point in space, and $\delta_i$ is the plane constant (distance of plane from origin).
I want to find $x$ such that the above is satisfied and the distance from $x$ to some other point $p$ is minimized. I believe this is a convex quadratic programming problem (the union of half spaces is always convex, IIRC). Normally I'd try to find an off-the-shelf library that could solve generalized quadratic programming problems, but I need a solution I can hand over to a client, and most of the solvers I know are either license restrictive (GPL or proprietary), gigantic libraries or both (CGAL).
I just need to solve this very specific problem form, and I'm willing to be relatively obtuse about how I do it. Does anyone know of any resources or way to approach this? I'm willing to take an off-the-shelf solver if it's approximately a single file and MIT-license equivalent, and I'm willing to write my own based on an algorithm description.