I think it may be more useful to think of this is as numerical integration of a series of data points rather than as the solution of an ODE. Adams-Bashforth could work as suggested by @Omnomnomnom, but I think there are better methods.
It seems that your acceleration values are "given" meaning that you have no control over the time step or the times at which the acceleration is known. In contrast to solving ODEs, this also means that you do not need to project forward in time to get future velocities to enable the next computation, you can simply wait until you have the new acceleration value to perform the next computation.
In this context, there are several basic integration methods that would work, but I think the simplest will be based on directly integrating piecewise polynomial approximations of your acceleration values. The simplest example of this is the well-known Trapezoid Rule which is just integration of a piecewise linear function and gives second order accuracy. If you want higher-order approximations of the data, you can use higher-order polynomials.
If it's possible to delay computing $v(t_i)$ by one timestep, I would suggest waiting until you know $\{a(t_{i-2}),a(t_{i-1}),a(t_{i}),a(t_{i+1})\}$ and then using a cubic polynomial on these four data points to integrate from $t_{i-1}$ to $t_i$. Using Lagrange interpolating polynomials, this can be done as follows:
v(t_i) = v(t_{i-1}) + \int_{t_{i-1}}^{t_i}a(t)dt
where you can approximate $a(t)$ as
a(t) = & a(t_{i-2})\dfrac{(t-t_{i-1})(t-t_{i})(t-t_{i+1})}{(t_{i-2}-t_{i-1})(t_{i-2}-t_{i})(t_{i-2}-t_{i+1})} \\
& + a(t_{i-1})\dfrac{(t-t_{i-2})(t-t_{i})(t-t_{i+1})}{(t_{i-1}-t_{i-2})(t_{i-1}-t_{i})(t_{i-1}-t_{i+1})} \\
& + a(t_{i-2})\dfrac{(t-t_{i-2})(t-t_{i-1})(t-t_{i+1})}{(t_{i}-t_{i-2})(t_{i}-t_{i-1})(t_{i}-t_{i+1})} \\
& + a(t_{i+1})\dfrac{(t-t_{i-2})(t-t_{i-1})(t-t_{i})}{(t_{i+1}-t_{i-2})(t_{i+1}-t_{i-1})(t_{i+1}-t_{i})}
You can then either integrate this function analytically or use a quadrature formula. Two-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature is exact for third order polynomials so that would work.
Depending on the language you're working with, there are likely available tools for polynomial fitting, e.g. MATLAB's polyfit
that would make this implementation very easy.
- Get the polynomial coefficients $y = at^3+bt^22+ct+d$
- Use the definite integral, $\int_{t_1}^{t_2}y(t)dt=\left.\left(\frac{a}{4}t^4+\frac{b}{3}t^3+\frac{c}{2}t^2+dt\right)\right|_{t_1}^{t_2}$