I would like to use Boost C++ odeint Runge-Kutta integrator on a system that looks like this :
$$\ddot x = - \frac A{||x||^3} * x $$
$ x $ is a vector in 3D space, so basicaly $ x(i, j, k) $
$ \ddot x $ is its second derivative
$ {||x||^3} $ is magnitude cubed of $ x $
$ A $ is a constant
I know the initial conditions of the problem, namely $ \dot x(t=0) $ and $ x(t=0) $ .
I have checked this example in the odeint documentation, as well as the full code here. Examples show use of odeint with a single ODE. But my problem would have to be split into 6 ODE.
Can I use odeint Runge Kutta method for such a system ( 6 ODEs ) and if yes, is there any example that I can follow to help me implement my problem ?