What method of numerical solving ODEs is better? BDF2 or TR-BDF2?
Namely, what advantages has TR-BDF2 over BDF2?
The BDF2 method requires the values of $y_{n-1}$ and $y_n$ for computing $y_{n+1}$ but we can use, for example, the trapezoidal method for $n = 0$ and BDF2 on next steps.
The TR-BDF2 method computes an auxiliary value $y_{n+1/2}$ with the trapezoidal method and applies the BDF2 for computing $y_{n+1}$ by using $y_n$ and $y_{n+1/2}$.
TR-BDF2 for solving $y' = f(y)$ represents the following scheme: $$ y_{n+1/2} = y_n + \frac{\tau}{4}(f(y_n) + f(y_{n+1/2})), $$ $$ y_{n+1} = \frac{1}{3}(4y_{n+1/2} - y_n + \tau f(y_{n+1})). $$ Here $\tau$ is a step size. The both stages are implicit. The first stage is the trapezoidal method with the step size $\tau/2$ and the second stage is the BDF2 with the step size $\tau/2$.
UPD Edwards et al. in the paper Nonlinear variants of the TR/BDF2 method for thermal radiative diffusion point out that BDF2 has undesirable conservation properties. Could you explain please how can this influence the computation accuracy?