I would greatly appreciate some help/references on solving the following problem:
You are in charge of searching through a n-dimensional hyper-cube $[0,1]^n$ to make sure that it does not contain any defects. (To be precise, suppose we are given a black-box, Boolean function $D:[0,1]^n \to \{ 0,1\}$. A point $p \in [0,1]^n$ is said be defective if $D(p) = 1$. )
For any point $ p \in [0,1]^n$, you can find a ball of radius $ \epsilon(p)$ about that point, for which you are 100% confident there are no defects. The radius $\epsilon$ depends continuously on the point $p$ and is expensive to compute. (Alternatively, it may be better to just assume that the radius $\epsilon(p)$ is randomly chosen from an uniform probability distribution.)
How do you plan which points to check for nearby defects, so that you know when the entire hyper-cube has been covered by defect-free regions?