I am trying to animate a dampened pendulum using RK4 for a highschool project.
The equations that describe the dampened system are as follows: (from http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~smurray/Pendulumwriteup.pdf) $$\begin{aligned} \frac{d\theta}{dt}&=\omega,\\ \frac{d\omega}{dt}&=-\beta^2\sin\theta-k\omega+A\cos\Omega. \end{aligned}$$
Where $B$ is a constant, $k$ is the coefficient of damping, $A$ is the driving amplitude and $\Omega$ is the driving frequency.
My problem is that I am getting an increasing amplitude on each swing, varying the coefficient of damping does not change this.
I believe my problem is either my programming is wrong, or I have the wrong idea of what the driving amplitude and the driving frequency are.
Ideally, I want the program to be able to showcase simple harmonic motion (when $k = 0$) and also allow the user to investigate dampening.
This is my first time attempting to use the Runge Kutta method and I have most likely incorrectly implemented it.
My code is written in Visual Basic.net 2010 and is as follows:
Public Class Form1
Dim l As Decimal = 1 'Length of rod (1m)
Dim g As Decimal = 9.81 'Gravity
Dim w As Decimal = 0 ' Angular Velocity
Dim initheta As Decimal = -Math.PI / 2 'Initial Theta
Dim theta As Decimal = -Math.PI / 2 'Theta (This one changes for the simulation)
Dim t As Decimal = 0 'Current time of the simulation
Dim h As Decimal = 0.01 'Time step
Dim b As Decimal = Math.Sqrt(g / l) 'Constant used in the function for dw/dt
Dim k As Decimal = 0 'Coefficient of Damping
Dim initialx = l * Math.Sin(initheta) 'Initial Amplitude of the pendulum
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
'Function for dw/dt
Public Function f(ByRef the As Decimal, ByRef omega As Decimal, ByRef time As Decimal)
Return ((-b ^ 2) * Math.Sin(the)) - (k * omega) + (initheta * Math.Cos(omega * time))
End Function
Public Function y(ByRef the As Decimal, ByRef omega As Decimal, ByRef time As Decimal)
Return omega
End Function
Dim k1, k2, k3, k4, l1, l2, l3, l4 As Decimal 'Initialising RK4 variables
Public Sub RK4Solve(ByRef The As Decimal, ByRef Ome As Decimal, ByRef h As Decimal)
l1 = y(The, Ome, t)
k1 = f(The, Ome, t)
l2 = y(The + (0.5 * h * l1), Ome + (0.5 * h * k1), t + (0.5 * h))
k2 = f(The + (0.5 * h * l1), Ome + (0.5 * h * k1), t + (0.5 * h))
l3 = y(The + (0.5 * h * l2), Ome + (0.5 * h * k2), t + (0.5 * h))
k3 = f(The + (0.5 * h * l2), Ome + (0.5 * h * k2), t + (0.5 * h))
l4 = y(The + (h * l3), Ome + (h * k3), t + h)
k4 = f(The + (h * l3), Ome + (h * k3), t + h)
'Setting next step of variables
The = The + (h / 6 * (l1 + (2 * l2) + (2 * l3) + l4))
Ome = Ome + (h / 6 * (k1 + (2 * k2) + (2 * k3) + k4))
t += h
End Sub
'Timer ticking every 0.1s
'Time step is 0.01s to increase accuracy of results for testing
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
ComboBox1.Items.Add(theta) 'Adding theta to a drop down box to test data
RK4Solve(theta, w, h)
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub
End Class
Here is a picture of the Dis, Vel and Acc graphs (in that order)
As you can see, the acceleration falls apart during the simulation (forgive my lack of scientific terms)
Why does this happen? (I will also update my code with my new RK4 implementation)
variables. $\endgroup$std::valarray
in C++). Then you don't need to loop over the array. Your current method will work and it's clear enough, but doesn't generalize well to more equations. $\endgroup$