I would like to solve for the optimum $A$ values for a series of matrix equations $Ax_{1} = b_{1}, Ax_{2} = b_{2} ... Ax_{n} = b_{n}$ where only the $x$ values are known and when I start with an intelligent guess for $A$. I am using QR decomposition to solve the individual matrix equations for $b$, but wondering how to go about optimizing $A$ values as I don't have a real $b$ value to use in defining some error metric to use for convergence.
The nature of the problem is that $x$ is a set of sensor values and $A$ represents a set of constant coefficients defining to what degree the value at an adjacent sensor affects the measured values of $x$. The $b$ values should be the actual values without superposition from other sensors.
Any suggestions on tackling this would be appreciated.