I probably miss something very basic. I don't see how to use Metropolis–Hastings algorithm for computation of integrals, if I don't know the volume of accessible phase space (i.e. proper normalization by partition function).
Consider this two problems ( which are very much connected):
1) Number of possible states under some constrains
I have some phase-space with some areas possible ( probability $p(X) = 1$ ) and some impossible ( probability $p(X) = 0$ ). I don't know the volume of neither areas, but I can easily check if a point is in possible or inpossible area.
Because I know that area of impossible part of phase-space is much bigger than area of possible part, I wan't to use Metropolis–Hastings algorithm to preferentially explore the possible configurations. I can easily implement the updates according to Metropolis–Hastings to produce Markov Chain which does explore the possible part of phase-space, however, I don't see how to use it to actually compute the possible area by summing over such Markov chain. I still don't know proper normalization.
There is a javascript visualization of the problem in 2D http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/200710 the most relevant part of code is there:
// in this example probability of configuration is p=0
// if the x,y point overlap with some sphere, otherwise it is p=1
float getUnnormalizedProbability( float x, float y ){
float prob = 1.0;
for(int i=0; i<nsph; i++){
float dx = x - sphx[i];
float dy = y - sphy[i];
float r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if( r2 < sphR2[i] ){
prob = 0.0;
return prob;
void MMCstep(){
float newx = x + random(-stepsz,stepsz);
float newy = y + random(-stepsz,stepsz);
// Periodic boundary condition
if ( newx<0 ) newx = boxsz + newx;
if ( newx>boxsz ) newx = newx - boxsz;
if ( newy<0 ) newy = boxsz + newy;
if ( newy>boxsz ) newy = newy - boxsz;
float newp = getUnnormalizedProbability( newx, newy );
// Metropolis-Hastings condition alfa = min( 1, pnew/p );
if( newp >= p ){
move( newx, newy, newp );
if( (newp/p) > random(1.0) ){
move( newx, newy, newp );
2) Neutron scattering on finite plates
I have source of radiation $S$ and detector $D$ (of some size) and several thin plates of neutron scattering material (of some size and with some normalized angular scattering distribution).
I want to compute percentage of neutrons emitted by $S$ which impact on $D$.
It can be computed by path-integration over paths by randomly choosing points $i$ and $j$ on plates. This however require renormalization of the sum by probability that a neutron originating in point $i$ impact second plate at all, because I don't sample situations where neutron does not hit the plate, I don't know this renormalization.
Explicity analytical computation of this probability renormalization (i.e. solid angle under which plat_2 is visible from point $i$ ) is quite laboriously. I don't want to do that.
I wonder if Metropolis–Hastings algorithm can help with this somehow.