The answers so far seem to me to be completely off target. The boundary conditions you have are consistent with the r.h.s. of the equation and the matrix $L$, so they are not the problem.
Instead, there are two things wrong here. First, the usual finite second-order difference approximation to $u''$ is
$$ u''(x_0) = h^{-2}\big(u(x_{-1}) - 2u(x_0) + u(x_1)\big), $$
which has the opposite sign to what you have. In effect, if you use $\mathrm{diag}(-1,2,-1)$ you end up solving $\Delta u=-f$, which is a bug your testing doesn't seem to have caught.
Second, when you have $N$ interior points and $N+2$ points in total, with $x_1 = 0$ and $x_{N+2} = 1$, the $j$-th point is
$$ x_j = \frac{j-1}{N+1}, $$
and so
$$ h = \frac{1}{N+1}, $$
whereas you have $h=1/(N+2)$. This is the reason for incorrect order of convergence. The easiest way here to test for this kind of mistake is to use the exact solution $u=4x(x-1)$ to the equation $\Delta u=8$ with $g(x)=0$, so that $u(\frac12)=-1$. Because the error of the FD formula behaves as $u^{(4)}$, the scheme is exact in this case, so gettting any error other than round-off error is a bug.
Third, for how to set boundary conditions see the answer by Patrick
Sanan, but that doesn't seem to be a problem here as far as I can
see. The matrix $A_{12}$ has first row $(-1,0)$ and last row $(0,-1)$, with zeros everywhere else,
so you are correct to add the boundary conditions to the rhs at $x_2$
and $x_{N+1}$ (although the sign would still be wrong as above). The units of $h^2f$ and $g$ are also correct ($f$ has units $u/x^2$ (like $u''$), $g$ has units $u$, $h$ has units $x$ and $h^2f$ has units $u$, same as $g$).
Fourth, for testing, it is much easier to pick a known exact solution, say $v(x)=e^x$, go backwards to work out $f(x)=e^x$ and $g(x)=e^x$, and then apply the scheme and compare $u$ with $v$. This is commonly known as the method of manufactured solutions.
Here is a modified version of your code
function [sol, xVals, L, fVals] = poissonSolveFD2(f, g, N)
h = 1/(N+1);
h2= h*h;
sol = zeros(N+2,1);
sol(1) = g(0);
sol(N+2) = g(1);
xVals = linspace(0,1,N+2)';
L = spdiags(repmat([1,-2,1], N, 1), -1:1, N, N);
fVals = f(xVals);
fVals = h2*fVals;
fVals(2) = fVals(2) - g(0);
fVals(N+1) = fVals(N+1) - g(1);
sol(2:N+1) = L\fVals(2:N+1);
Simple check that it works:
>> u = @(x) exp(x);
>> e1 = norm(poissonSolveFD2(u, u, 100) - u(linspace(0,1,102)'), 'inf')
e1 =
>> e2 = norm(poissonSolveFD2(u, u, 201) - u(linspace(0,1,203)'), 'inf')
e2 =
>> e1 / e2
ans =
in the fixed components ofu
. One way of doing this is considering that the first column will influence $u(a)$ and the last column $u(b)$. $\endgroup$