This is not something I've worked on, so I do not know if there is a recommended approach to this, only how I would approach this problem.
I'm assuming you can evaluate $C(x) = (\ln(S(x)))_x$ wherever you want.
Since $\phi$ is prescribed at $0$ and $L$, I would discretise on $x_i = L\frac{i}{N+1}$ for $i$ from $1$ to $N$. Then the finite difference operators could be combined into a matrix $A$ and boundary condition correction term vector $\mathbf{b}$ with
A = \frac{1}{\Delta x^2}\delta^2_x + \frac1{2\Delta x}\mathrm{diag}(C(x_i))\delta_{2x}\,,\\
\mathbf{b}_i =
\left(\frac1{\Delta x^2} - \frac1{2\Delta x}c(x_1)\right)\phi(0)\quad&\text{if}\quad i=1\,,\\
\left(\frac1{\Delta x^2} + \frac1{2\Delta x}c(x_N)\right)\phi(L) &\text{if}\quad i=N\,,\\
so that
$$\left[\phi_{xx} + C(x)\phi_x\right]_{x_i} \approx (A\underline{\phi} + \mathbf{b})_i\,.$$
To find the solution, I would use Newton's method, looking for the root of
$$F(\underline{\phi}) = A\underline{\phi} + \mathbf{b} + k^2 \mathrm{diag}(\phi_i^2)$$
which has tridiagonal Jacobian
$$\mathrm{J}(\underline{\phi}) = A + 2k^2 \mathrm{diag}(\phi_i)\,.$$
(For completion) If there were a Neumann boundary condition, for example
$$\phi_x(0) = \alpha\,,$$
I would include $\phi(0)$ in the solution vector $\underline{\phi}$, then I would construct $\mathrm{b}$ by considering a ghost point at $x = -\Delta x$ satisfying
$$\frac{\phi(\Delta x) - \phi(-\Delta x)}{2\Delta x} = \alpha\,.$$
I believe mixed boundary conditions wouldn't be much more complicated than non-zero Neumann.