I am currently working on a physics problem that turns into a non-linear boundary value problem. I need an efficient numerical solver that I could run on my laptop with i5 dual core CPU. I am discretizing my 15 equations on an N x N x N cubic grid using fourth order finite difference derivatives. I am interested in using Newton-Krylov methods since the Jacobian that is generated is sparse. My ultimate goal is to solve this system on a 128 x 128 x 128 cube, which means I will be solving almost 15 million equations for the same number of variables. I am already in the process of learning SUNDIALS packages but I recently found the PETSc library, which many people seem to be praising for quality of the code and efficiency. PETSc also seems to have a large number of preconditioners needed for Krylov methods.
So I would like to ask how do both packages compare for serial computations since I would like to run the solver on my laptop (at least for testing purposes on a bit coarser grid). I might eventually move to my university's HPC cluster to solve the system on a finer grid. Also, my intention is to use these packages on a long term basis.
I am new to high performance computing so kindly excuse my ignorance. I would really appreciate any suggestions.
P.S- The equations I am working on come from Non-Abelian gauge theories and are in Tensor form. Individual components (15) equations are long and complicated...so I actually compute these equations using mathematica and then discretize them. These equations are similar to Maxwell's equations but more complicated and non-linear in the fields. I do not know how much this would help here but the equations are as follows
$(D_\mu F^{\mu \nu})^a = g \epsilon_{abc} (D_\nu \phi)^b \phi^c$, and
$D_\mu (D^\mu \phi)^a = - \lambda (\phi^b \phi^b -v^2) \phi^a$.
Here Einstein's summation convention is implied. The indices $\mu$ and $\nu$ run from 0 to 3. And index $a$ runs from 1 to 3. $D$ represents gauge covariant derivatives and $\phi$ and $F$ represent Higgs and gauge fields strength. You can check this article for more details....page 9. http://www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/people/MaximeGabella/higgs.pdf