What is the role of non-symmetric coefficient matrices in the solution of partial differential equations with self-adjoint operators?
Particularly, I'm thinking about time-propagation of a linear equation
$$i\partial_t v =M v$$ where $M$ is self-adjoint. (Or equivalently, without the complex unit $i$ and then $M$ is skew-hermitian, or in the real case, symmetric or skew-symmetric),
Discretization of this equation on an equidistant grid, together with the usual finite-difference formulas for derivatives, leads to a hermitian coefficient matrix. The same is true for a spectral expansion. The arising matrices have nice properties: one can diagonalize them and get real eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenvectors, one can apply linear algebra routines tailored to symmetric matrices, and so on.
On the other hand, there are several successful methods (finite differences on non-equally spaced grids, one-sided finite differences, Chebyshev and other pseudospectral methods, etc.) which allow for a more accurate expansion (e.g. finer grid in important regions), but usually lead to non-hermitian coefficient matrices.
What is preferable? Should I keep the symmetry as long as possible? Or can one rely as well on non-symmetric matrices?
This is a question which is puzzling me for a long time and where I have not found a concrete analysis yet. However, almost any reference seems to give statements such as "symmetry in the coefficient matrix is preferable" due to "stability" or whatever.
Questions (more detailed):
What is the theoretical impact of this symmetry breaking? Problems I see: eigenvalues can become complex, so there is no guarantee that variational optimization still holds. This also implies that conservation laws do not hold anymore. Is this a problem in practice, or does a good choice of non-symmetric discretization (numerically) avoids these problems?
What is the drawback in using non-symmetric coefficient matrices? (Besides the obvious one that no Linear Algebra routines specifically designed to symmetric matrices can be used).
If there should be a disadvantage by using non-symmetric matrices: Is it reasonable to introduce symmetry artificially? E.g. by symmetrizing $[\tilde M_{ij} = 1/2(M_{ij} + M_{ji})]$, setting up the second derivative matrix (which is often the source of asymmetry) in terms of the first $(D_2 = D_1^T D_1)$ or by more sophisticated constructions like variable changes, etc.?
Summarizing the previous points: are there any references which consider this topic (under whatever aspect)?