If $A, B, C$ are $n \times n$ matrices, where both $B$ and $C$ are nonsingular, and $b$ is a vector of length $n$, how would you compute the following without computing any inverses?
$$x = B^{-1}(2A+I)(C^{-1}+A)b$$
If $A, B, C$ are $n \times n$ matrices, where both $B$ and $C$ are nonsingular, and $b$ is a vector of length $n$, how would you compute the following without computing any inverses?
$$x = B^{-1}(2A+I)(C^{-1}+A)b$$
As was mentioned in the comment, calculating $x=M^{-1}y$ is equivalent to solving $Mx=y$. Here is the full solution:
First, you can reformulate the equation to:
$Bx=(2A+I)(C^{-1}+A)b$, and by defining $\tilde{b}=C^{-1}b$, the equation can be rewritten as:
First, compute $\tilde{b}$ by solving (using, for example, LU decomposition for $C$):
$C\tilde{b}=b$. Now, once $\tilde{b}$ is computed, you can define $h=(2A+I)(I+AC)\tilde{b}$ and solve, using LU decomposition,
$$\rm x = B^{-1} (2A + I) (C^{-1} + A) b$$
Left-multiplying both sides by $\rm B$,
$$\rm B x = (2A + I) (C^{-1} + A) b$$
Let $\rm y:= C^{-1} b$. Hence,
$$\rm B x = (2A + I) (C^{-1} b + A b) = (2A + I) (y + A b) = (2A + I) y + (2A + I) A b$$
and, thus, we obtain a linear system of $2n$ equations in $2n$ unknowns
$$\begin{bmatrix} \mathrm B & -(2 \mathrm A + \mathrm I)\\ \mathrm O& \mathrm C\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \mathrm x\\ \mathrm y \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} (2 \mathrm A + \mathrm I) \mathrm A \mathrm b\\ \mathrm b\end{bmatrix}$$
which can be solved using Gaussian elimination.