I have been pondering about this issue for some time...
Say, I want to minimize a costfunctional $$ \tilde J(u) = J(v(u),u) = \frac 12 \int_0^T (v-v_0)^2 + \alpha u^2 dt $$ subject to $$ \dot v = v^2 + u, \quad v(0)=0. $$ Then, from the first order necessary optimality conditions it follows that at an optimal point $(v^*,u^*)$, there is a $\lambda$ that solves $$ -\dot \lambda = 2v^*\lambda - (v^*-v_0), \quad \lambda(T)=0, \tag{1} $$ such, that that the gradient of $\tilde J$ is given as $$ D_u\tilde J(u^*) = \lambda + \alpha u^*=0. \tag{2} $$
From $(1)$ and $(2)$, I infer that $$u^*(T) = 0.$$ My Question: Is this right? Or is there something wrong in the argumentation.
Two more remarks:
- I don't think that the answer lies in the right functional analytic formulation. (I have had a very close look at this).
- If one uses gradient based methods, then $(2)$ implies that the update is zero at $t=T$. Which means that the terminal value of the converged control will equal the terminal value of the initial guess. (I have seen this in a master thesis, where a fluid/structure interaction was successfully controlled by the adjoint based approach; see the screenshot)
EDIT: The conclusion that $u^*(T) = 0$ (as well as the update) is not true. (Thanks to L.P. for pointing this out) However, in practice, in a gradient descent method, one updates an initial guess $u_0$ via $u_1 = u_0 - s D_u\tilde J(u_0)$ so that $\lambda(T) = 0$ implies that
$$ u_1(T) = (1-s\alpha)u_0(T) $$
Note, that the step size $s=\mathcal O(1)$ whereas $\alpha$ can be like $10^{-5}$ so that a gradient iteration, in fact, hardly affects the endpoint of the control.