I'm trying to solve the linear advection equation
$$u_{t} = cu_{x}, \\ x \in [x_{0}, x_{e}], \quad t \in (0, T], \quad c \in \mathbb{R} \\ u(x,0) = f(x)$$
Note that for $c > 0$, the solution is a left travelling wave so requires a boundary condition on the left, while $c < 0$ is a right travelling wave so requires a boundary condition on the right. Now, implementing Dirichlet ($u(\cdot, t) = 0$) and periodic ($u(x_{0},t) = u(x_{e},t)$) boundary conditions has been quite straight forward. However, I've been trying to implement Neumann conditions ($u_{x}(\cdot,t) = \alpha$) and I'm not exactly sure how to or if it is possible?
If $c > 0$, then the discretisation in matrix form is given as
$$\begin{pmatrix} u_{1}^{k+1} \\ u_{2}^{k+1} \\ u_{3}^{k+1} \\ \vdots \\ u_{N}^{k+1} \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 1+\gamma \\ -\gamma & 1+\gamma \\ & -\gamma & 1+\gamma \\ & & \ddots & \ddots \\ & & & -\gamma & 1+\gamma \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} u_{1}^{k} \\ u_{2}^{k} \\ u_{3}^{k} \\ \vdots \\ u_{N}^{k} \end{pmatrix}$$
If we are to use the ghost point approach, then applying a central difference we get
\begin{align} u_{x}(x_{N},t) &= \frac{u_{N+1} - u_{N-1}}{2 \Delta x} \\ &= \alpha \\ \implies u_{N+1} &= u_{N-1} + 2 \alpha \Delta x, \quad \forall k \end{align}
The problem is, nowhere in our spatial discretisation up to $n = N$ do we have our function indexed at $N+1$, so we can't use that approach. If we use a backward difference instead, we get
\begin{align} u_{x}(x_{N},t) &= \frac{u_{N} - u_{N-1}}{\Delta x} \\ &= \alpha \\ \implies u_{N} &= u_{N-1} + \alpha \Delta x, \quad \forall k \end{align}
and hence our final ODE becomes
$$u_{N}^{k+1} = u_{N}^{k} + \alpha \Delta x$$
but that didn't seem to work either. So my question is, how do we implement Neumann boundary conditions using the upwind method?
Here is my code
def Upwind(N,x0,xe,t0,te,m,c,alpha,f,boundary='Dirichlet'):
# ----------------------
### Timestep
t = np.linspace(t0, te, N)
dt = t[1]-t[0]
# ----------------------
### Direction conditions
if c == 0:
print('u(x,t) = f(x)')
if c > 0:
x = np.linspace(xe, x0, N)
x = np.linspace(x0, xe, N)
dx = x[1]-x[0]
r = c*np.ones(N)*dt/dx
# ----------------------
### Stability conditions
if abs(r[0]) > 1+1e-15:
print('r = {}'.format(r[0]))
print('This solution is unstable, abs(r) must be less \
than or equal to one for stability.')
# ----------------------
### Derivative matrix
DL = spdiags([np.ones(N)], (0), N, N).tocsr() # NOT NECESSARY, MORE FOR
DR = spdiags([-r, 1+r], (-1, 0), N, N).tocsr()
# ----------------------
### Boundary conditions
if boundary == 'Dirichlet': # AGAIN, NOT NECESSARY, MORE FOR
# CONTINUITY. HERE u(.,t) = 0.
BL = spdiags([0], (0), N, N)
BR = spdiags([0], (0), N, N)
elif boundary == 'Neumann': # NEEDS TO BE FIXED
BL = spdiags([0], (0), N, N)
BR = spdiags([0], (0), N, N)
BL = spdiags([0], (0), N, N)
BR = spdiags([-r], (N-1), N, N)
# ----------------------
### Initial condition
u = f(x)
# ----------------------
### Loop
for k in range(m+1):
u = spsolve(DL+BL, (DR+BR)*u)
if k % 25 == 0:
and to test
Upwind(200,-40,40,0,40,100,-2,1,lambda x: np.exp(-x**2),boundary='Periodic')