For a normal matrix $A$, the value of the smallest eigenvalue tells us whether $A$ is singular or not:
Imagine that the eigenvectors of $A$ can form a complete set that span the space of the columns of $A$, it can be decomposed:
$$A=S^{-1}\Lambda S$$
Where $S$ are the eigenvectors gathered in a matrix and $\Lambda=\textrm{diag}(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,...,\lambda_n)$ their corresponding eigenvalues with $\lambda_1\leq \lambda_2\leq...\leq\lambda_n$
The smaller $\lambda_1$ the more singular $A$, because $A^{-1}=S^{-1}\Lambda^{-1}S$ with $\Lambda^{-1}=\textrm{diag}(\lambda_1^{-1},\lambda_2^{-1},...,\lambda_n^{-1})$.
Regarding the accuracy when solving a system of equations, for example: $Ax=f$, the condition number of the matrix $\kappa(A)$ measures the error in the solution $x$ when $f$ is perturbed:
$$\delta x=A^{-1}\delta f$$
whose upper threshold coincides when $\delta f$ is in the direction of the eigenvector whose eigenvalue is the largest:
$$|\delta x|=|A^{-1}\delta f|\leq \frac{1}{\lambda_1}|\delta f|$$
If now we divide the last equation by $|x| $ to obtain the relative error we find:
$$\frac{|\delta x|}{| x|}\leq\frac{1}{\lambda_1}\frac{|\delta f|}{|x|}$$
and the lower threshold for $|x|$ is obtained from:
$|f|=|Ax|\leq \lambda_n|x|$. Introduced in the last equation:
$$\frac{|\delta x|}{| x|}\leq\kappa(A)\frac{|\delta f|}{|f|}$$
Where $\kappa(A) = \lambda_n/\lambda_1$, tells us the upper threshold of the error in $x$ when $f$ is perturbed.