I have a matrix, whose size scales as $2^N$ (assume even $N$). In each row of the matrix, only about $2^{N/2}$ of the entries are filled ($N$ can be somewhere between 10 and 40, depending on what's feasible computationally). I'm not sure whether using sparse matrices would be suitable for storage and computation - there aren't that many non-zero entries in a relative sense compared to the overall matrix size, but there are still a lot in an absolute sense.
As an additional question, if using sparse matrices is indeed the way to go, what's an approximate order-of-magnitude size for which I could reasonably solve systems of linear equations, i.e. $Ax=b$, with a direct solver? I, unfortunately, don't have a good sense of what sort of size is reasonable, and this influences whether the method of solving the problem I'm considering is even remotely feasible (the exact number, of course, depends on the resources I have available - I was wondering in a more general sense what this dependency between size and resources/time was like, but specific examples would also be helpful, i.e. how big of a system size I could do on an average desktop in a few hours).