I am trying to numerically solve the following PDE,
$$\frac{\partial u^A}{\partial t} = c_1\frac{\partial^2 u^A}{\partial^2x} \,,$$
where $c_1$ is a constant. The above can be discretized using the numerical approximations $$ \begin{align} \frac{\partial u^A}{\partial t} & ~\Rightarrow~ \frac{u_{i}^{t+1} - u_i^t}{\Delta t } \\[5px] \frac{\partial^2 u^A}{\partial^2x} &~\Rightarrow~ \frac{u_{i+1}^t -2u_i^t+ u_{i-1}^t}{\Delta x^2 } \end{align} $$
$$\frac{u_{i}^{t+1} - u_i^t}{\Delta t} = c_1\frac{u_{i+1}^t -2u_i^t+ u_{i-1}^t}{\Delta x^2 }$$
The above can be rearranged,
$$ \begin{align} u_{i}^{t+1} &= u_{i}^t + \frac{c_1 \Delta t}{\Delta x}(u_{i+1}^t -2u_i^t+ u_{i-1}^t) \\[5px] u_{i+1}^{t+1} &= u_{i+1}^t + \frac{c_1 \Delta t}{\Delta x}(u_{i+2}^t -2u_{i+1}^t+ u_{i}^t) \end{align} $$ and so on.
In matrix notation, $$U^{t+1} = [u_{i}^{t+1},u_{i+1}^{t+1}, \, \dots ,u_{i+n}^{t+1}]$$
Therefore, $$ U_A^{t+1} = U_A^{t} + c_1* \text{tridiagonal matrix} * U_A^t $$
The above can be solved to obtain $U_A^{t+1}$.
Now when there is another species B, the equation will be $U_B^{t+1} = U_B^{t} + c_2* \text{tridiagonal matrix} * U_B^t$
I am solving for the time evolution of function $u$ of species A and B as two separate matrix equations. Could someone suggest if there is a way to formulate this as a single matrix equation? I'm trying to create a diagonal matrix of the constants c and then combine the matrices.
Any suggestions?
Edit: I'm trying an alternate approach. If I were to use the method of lines the equations would be
$$\frac{du^A}{dt} = c_1\frac{u_{i+1}^{t^A} -2u_i^{t^A}+ u_{i-1}^{t^A}}{\Delta x^2 }$$ $$\frac{du^B}{dt} = c_2\frac{u_{i+1}^{t^B} -2u_i^{t^B}+ u_{i-1}^{t^B}}{\Delta x^2 }$$
In the matrix form, $[\frac{du^A}{dt} \frac{du^B}{dt}]^T = \frac{1}{\Delta x^2}*diagonalmatrix*[u_{i+1}^{t^A} -2u_i^{t^A}+ u_{i-1}^{t^A} ; u_{i+1}^{t^B} -2u_i^{t^B}+ u_{i-1}^{t^B} ]$ ,
where diagonalmatrix contains the constants $c_1$ and $c_2$ along its diagonal.
Would this be the right way to proceed? I have the initial condition and boundary conditions.