The condition number of function evaluation $$ \mathrm{cond}(f,x) := \left| \frac{x f'(x)}{f(x)} \right| $$ is infinite at a root of $f$. Hence it is useless for rescaling a tolerance which defines an exit condition from Newton's method. For instance, naively, you would exit the Newton iteration $$ x_{k+1} := x_{k} - f(x_{k})/f'(x_{k}) $$ when (say) $|f(x_{k+1})| < \epsilon$, where $\epsilon$ is (again, say) the double epsilon. However, even if $x^{*}$ is the correct floating point approximation of the root, we have no guarantee that $|f(x^{*})| < \epsilon$, due to the aformentioned ill-conditioning.
Is there a way to define a generalized condition number $\kappa(f, x)$ for Newton's method so that a reasonable termination condition can written in the form $|f(x_{k})| < \kappa(f, x_{k}) \epsilon$.
Note, even the proposed form of the termination condition is problematic, because the sequence $\{x_{k}\}$ is invariant under rescaling $f\mapsto \lambda f$, but the proposed form of the termination condition is not. Can we write a termination condition which is scale invariant?
The function which lead me to these questions was $$ f(z) := 601080390z -185961388.136908293 + 141732493.98435241i $$ Applying Newton's iteration to this leads to convergence to the true root in just three iterations starting with the guess of $i$, but $|f(z^{*})| \approx 3\times 10^{-8}$, which somehow feels "far from zero" in double precision, so my termination condition was never satisfied.