I am trying to compute first few excited states of some Hamiltonian (I am using itensor
and its DMRG
algorithm). To do so, I am trying to modify the example given on the official webpage:
Instead of computing only the ground state and the first excited one, I want to compute also the second excited one. My code looks like this:
#include "itensor/all.h"
using namespace itensor;
int N = 100;
// Initialize the site degrees of freedom.
auto sites = SpinHalf(N,{"ConserveQNs=",false}); //make a chain of N spin 1/2's
//Transverse field
Real h = 4.0;
// Use the AutoMPO feature to create the
// transverse field Ising model
// Factors of 4 and 2 are to rescale
// spin operators into Pauli matrices
auto ampo = AutoMPO(sites);
for(int j = 1; j < N; ++j)
ampo += -4,"Sz",j,"Sz",j+1;
for(int j = 1; j <= N; ++j)
ampo += -2*h,"Sx",j;
auto H = toMPO(ampo);
// Set the parameters controlling the accuracy of the DMRG
// calculation for each DMRG sweep.
auto sweeps = Sweeps(30);
sweeps.maxdim() = 10,20,100,100,200;
sweeps.cutoff() = 1E-10;
sweeps.niter() = 2;
sweeps.noise() = 1E-7,1E-8,0.0;
// Begin the DMRG calculation
// for the ground state
auto [en0,psi0] = dmrg(H,randomMPS(sites),sweeps,{"Quiet=",true});
// Make a vector of previous wavefunctions;
// code will penalize future wavefunctions
// for having any overlap with these
auto wfs = std::vector<MPS>(2); // <-- First change
wfs.at(0) = psi0;
// Here the Weight option sets the energy penalty for
// psi1 having any overlap with psi0
auto [en1,psi1] = dmrg(H,wfs,randomMPS(sites),sweeps,{"Quiet=",true,"Weight=",20.0});
wfs.at(1) = psi1; // <-- Second change
auto [en2,psi2] = dmrg(H,wfs,randomMPS(sites),sweeps,{"Quiet=",true,"Weight=",20.0}); // <-- Third change
// Print the final energies reported by DMRG
printfln("\nGround State Energy = %.10f",en0);
printfln("\nFirst excited State Energy = %.10f",en1);
printfln("\nSecond excited State Energy = %.10f",en2); // <-- Fourth change
// The expected gap of the transverse field Ising
// model is given by Eg = 2*|h-1|
// (The DMRG gap will have finite-size corrections.)
printfln("\nDMRG energy gap = %.10f",en1-en0);
printfln("\nTheoretical gap = %.10f",2*std::fabs(h-1));
// The overlap <psi0|psi1> should be very close to zero
printfln("\nOverlap <psi0|psi1> = %.2E",inner(psi0,psi1));
return 0;
But I am getting error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 2) >= this->size() (which is 1)
On the documentation page:
I've read, that the std::vector wfs
has to be 0-indexed
. But I don't understand, how can it be 0-indexed, if it has to include more than one previously computed states, to which the currently computed one has to be orthogonal?