I have 2 complex, non-symmetric, matrices $A_{1000\times1000}$, $B_{1000\times1000}$ and I am using Matlab to get it's eigenvalues (functions like eig or eigs). Both matrices are different - one is denser and the other one has more complex values. To compare the complexity of the eigenvalue solving process for both matrices I would like to calculate the number of FLOPs needed for this procedure. Of course, it is possible to calculate the time need for the eigenvalue solver to complete its task, but this is highly unstable since a lot of background processes might be creating some noise.
In Matlab, there is no function that would allow me to get FLOPs for eigs but I might use another software, since I only need these matrices $A, B$ which can be exported. Does anyone have an Idea how I could reach my goal?