Suppose that $R$ and $D$ are an $n \times m$ and $m \times m$ matrices. Assume that $m \ll n$ and that $D$ is positive definite. We would like to solve the system $(R^T R + D) x = R^T b$. This involves the matrix multiplication $R^T R$ which is quite costly, $O(m^2 n)$ in the worst-case.
Instead, letting $z = R x - b$, we can try to solve $$ \begin{bmatrix} D & R^T \\ R & - I_n \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ z \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ b \end{bmatrix} $$ at the worst-case cost of $(n+m)^3$ which seems to be worse that the original approach. But the latter system has a big block of identity. Is it possible to solve the larger system more efficiently than the smaller system, say by an efficient Cholesky decomposition or an iterative procedure. Let us assume that $R$ is generally dense, although we might be able to approximate it by a sparse matrix, by thresholding.
I should add that, any solution of the original problem that avoids direct matrix multiplication is also interesting.