
I'm looking to solve numerically the following equation for $(d,d)$ variable $X$, in Einstein summation notation


Where $M$ is a $(d,d,d,d)$ 4th-moment tensor of random variable $(a,b)$ and admits representation in terms of 2nd and 1st moment tensors based on the Isserlis theorem

$$M_{ijkl}=E[a_i a_j b_k b_k]=AA_{ij}BB_{kl}+AB_{ik}AB_{jl}+AB_{il}AB_{jk}-2A_iA_jB_kB_l$$

relying on shorthand $AA=E[aa'],BB=E[bb'],AB=E[ab'],A=E[a],B=E[b]$

If my factorization only had the first term, an explicit solution is formed by inverting $AA$ and $BB$ matrices


However, the presence of $AB$ terms is complicating things, probably an iterative method is required. Is there a standard procedure for this kind of structured linear equation system? Any literature pointers appreciated!

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ If $d$ is not too large, you can represent $M$ by a $d^2 \times d^2$ matrix and arrange $X$ and $N$ into $d^2 \times 1$ matrices. Some care is needed to make sure all terms have been accounted for. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 20, 2020 at 7:59
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, if $d$ was not too large, I could ignore the structure and treat it as a regular linear problem $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 20, 2020 at 14:12

1 Answer 1


I encountered a similar problem in the past and I could find no simple solution either. One of the terms is a Kronecker product, another is a rank-1 modification, but the rest makes the problem more difficult. I don't think there is a closed-form solution; you could try using an iterative method, dropping some terms to get a preconditioner.

But if someone has a better solution, I am all ears!

  • $\begingroup$ I've played around with Jacobi algorithm to invert it, and it diverges when AB correlations are large $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 22, 2020 at 18:23

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