I am trying to understand the finite element method and want to apply it to a 2D equation with a triangular mesh.
I have chosen the reference element to be the triangle with vertices $(0, 0), (0, 1)\text{ and }(1, 0)$. On this reference element, I define the three basis functions $$\phi_1(x, y) = (1 - x)(1 - y) \quad \phi_2(x, y) = x(1 - y) \quad \phi_3(x,y) = (1 - x)y$$ where each of them is $1$ at exactly one of the vertices and $0$ at the others. Now, when I try to find the elements of the mass matrix, I need to solve $$M(i, j) = \int \phi_i \phi_j \mathrm{d}x$$ for some $i, j \in 1..3$ on the reference element. The problem I have now is that $M(1, 2) \ne M(2, 3)$. Is that right? Why would you not choose the reference element such that the corners are interchangeable, for example an equilateral triangle centered on the origin?
To me it looks like this way some of the elements are just arbitrarily chosen to "interact" less with one another just based on the choice of how we identify the the corners of the domain triangle with the reference element.