This is the code I came up with. I still dont feel confident about the results, mostly because I didn't find the usual amount of errors yet.
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import kn, iv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
global size, mu_0, p, a, q, current, order
mu_0 = 4 * np.pi * 1e-7
size = 10
order = 5 # order of bessel functions considered
p = 1.8 # length of cable [m] after which we have 360 turn; "Ganghöhe der Leiterwindung"
a = 2.67e-2 # helix radius [m] = 2*a/sqrt(3)
q = 2 * np.pi * a / p
current = 50 + 0j # peak current [A] of I * sin(omega * t)
def coordinate_transform_cy2ca(r, theta, z):
x = np.cos(theta) * r
y = np.sin(theta) * r
return x, y, z
def vector_transform_cy2ca(v_r, v_theta, v_z, R, T, Z):
x = v_r * np.cos(T) - R * np.sin(T) * v_theta
y = v_r * np.sin(T) + R * np.cos(T) * v_theta
return x, y, v_z
def calc_b_r(R, T, Z, m):
m_1 = m
m_0 = m - 1
m_2 = m + 1
eta_m = np.abs(m_1 * q)
eta_r_a = eta_m * R / a
exp_term = np.exp((0 + 1j) * m_1 * (T - 2 * np.pi * Z / p))
m_0_term = iv(m_0, eta_m) * kn(m_0, eta_r_a)
m_2_term = iv(m_2, eta_m) * kn(m_2, eta_r_a)
m_1_term = 2 * m_1 * iv(m_1, eta_m) * kn(m_1, eta_r_a)
exp_product = 2 * np.pi * R * m_1 * q / p * exp_term
m_02_sum = m_0_term + m_2_term
bessel_term = m_1_term + exp_product * m_02_sum
b_r = ((0 + 1j) * 3 * mu_0 * current / (4 * np.pi * R)) * bessel_term
return b_r
def calc_b_theta(R, T, Z, m):
m_1 = m
m_0 = m - 1
m_2 = m + 1
eta_m = np.abs(m_1 * q)
eta_r_a = eta_m * R / a
exp_term = np.exp((0 + 1j) * m_1 * (T - 2 * np.pi * Z / p))
m_0_term = iv(m_0, eta_m) * kn(m_0, eta_r_a)
m_2_term = iv(m_2, eta_m) * kn(m_2, eta_r_a)
first_term = (2 * np.pi * m_1 * q / p) * (m_0_term - m_2_term)
mixed_term = (2 * eta_m / a) * iv(m_1, eta_m) * (kn(m_0, eta_r_a) + m_1 * kn(m_1, eta_r_a) / eta_r_a)
second_term = mixed_term * exp_term
bessel_term = second_term - first_term
b_theta = (3 * mu_0 * current / (4 * np.pi)) * bessel_term
return b_theta
def calc_b_z(R, T, Z, m):
m_1 = m
m_0 = m - 1
m__1 = m - 2 # the subscript "_1" is supposed to indicate a "-1" - its the K_ m-2 in the paper
m_2 = m + 1
eta_m = np.abs(m_1 * q)
eta_r_a = eta_m * R / a
exp_term = np.exp((0 + 1j) * m_1 * (T - 2 * np.pi * Z / p))
m__1_term = (eta_m / a) * iv(m_0, eta_m) * (m_1 * kn(m_0, eta_r_a) / eta_r_a + kn(m__1, eta_r_a))
# same term as before, just two orders up
mirror_term = (eta_m / a) * iv(m_2, eta_m) * (m_1 * kn(m_2, eta_r_a) / eta_r_a + kn(m_1, eta_r_a))
m_0_term = iv(m_0, eta_m) * kn(m_0, eta_r_a) / R
# same as before, just two orders up
m_2_term = iv(m_2, eta_m) * kn(m_2, eta_r_a) / R
m_02_term = (iv(m_0, eta_m) * kn(m_0, eta_r_a) - iv(m_2, eta_m) * kn(m_2, eta_r_a)) * m_1 / R
bessel_term = m_0_term + m__1_term - m__1_term - mirror_term - m_02_term
b_z = 3 * mu_0 * q * current / (4 * np.pi) * bessel_term * exp_term
return b_z
def main():
r = np.arange(1e-1, 2, (2-1e-1)/size)
theta = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi/2, 2 * np.pi / (size*2))
z = np.arange(0, p, p / size)
R, T, Z = np.meshgrid(r, theta, z)
m = np.arange(int(-order / 3) * 3 - 2, order, 3)
m_num = len(m)
b_r = np.zeros([m_num, R.shape[0], R.shape[1], R.shape[2]]).astype(np.complex_)
b_theta = np.zeros(b_r.shape).astype(np.complex_)
b_z = np.zeros(b_r.shape).astype(np.complex_)
for i, m in enumerate(m):
b_r[i] = calc_b_r(R, T, Z, m)
b_theta[i] = calc_b_theta(R, T, Z, m)
b_z[i] = calc_b_z(R, T, Z, m)
b_r = np.sum(b_r, axis=0)
b_theta = np.sum(b_theta, axis=0)
b_z = np.sum(b_z, axis=0)
b_x, b_y, b_z = vector_transform_cy2ca(b_r, b_theta, b_z, R, T, Z)
X, Y, Z = coordinate_transform_cy2ca(R, T, Z)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.quiver(X, Y, Z, b_x, b_y, b_z, length=0.1, normalize=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here is a plot of a cross-section of the field in 3D:
To answer my direct question: yes, it is possible to use the modified bessel function for orders in real numbers even with natural, whole numbers.
There were two major challanges besides the bessel functions:
- Matplotlib does not permit plots in cylinder coordinates, so I had to do the coordinate and vector transformations myself. Aparently most people dont need to do vector transformations.
- The vectorisation was not as flexible as I would have liked. I ended up looping over the orders of the bessel equations in order to be able to use the vectorisation for the spatial dimensions.
Still missing:
- Color coding the strength of the magnetic field into the arrows of the quiver field.
- plot the helix of the three conductors
, setting up say a 100 x 100 meshgrid for(r, z)
and summing over say-20 \le m \le 19
and just seeing how well it works? Is there any reason to suspect thativ()
will give the wrong answer with integer orders? In other words is "it's okay to do this" the answer you need, or are there other issues you'd like an answer to address? $\endgroup$