I'm trying to write an integrator for the 2 and 3-body problem. I choose to start from a generalisation to N-body problem so I can just pass my bodies to the same integrator in the two cases.
I'm using Hamiltonian mechanincs, the Hamiltonian I get for the N-body problem is the following,
$$ \mathcal{H} = \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{\vec{p}_i^2}{2m_i} - \sum_{i<j}^{N} \frac{Gm_i m_j}{|\vec{r}_i - \vec{r}_j|} $$ where $|\vec{r}_i - \vec{r}_j| \equiv \vec{r}_{ij}$ is the relative distance between the masses $i$ and $j$.
Following that, the canonical equations for the mass $i$ are,
\begin{align} \dot{\vec{r}}_i = \begin{pmatrix} \dot{x}_i \\ \dot{y}_i \\ \dot{z}_i \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \frac{p_{x_i}}{m_i} \\ \frac{p_{y_i}}{m_i} \\ \frac{p_{z_i}}{m_i} \\ \end{pmatrix} \end{align}
\begin{align} \dot{\vec{p}}_i = \begin{pmatrix} \dot{p}_{x_i} \\ \dot{p}_{y_i} \\ \dot{p}_{z_i} \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} - \sum_{j \neq i}^{N} \frac{Gm_im_j}{(\vec{r}_{ij})^3} (x_i - x_j) \\ - \sum_{j \neq i}^{N} \frac{Gm_im_j}{(\vec{r}_{ij})^3} (y_i - y_j) \\ - \sum_{j \neq i}^{N} \frac{Gm_im_j}{(\vec{r}_{ij})^3} (z_i - z_j) \end{pmatrix} \end{align}
I am doing the simulation for the four following methods : RK2, RK4, Euler Symplectic, Stormer-Verlet.
Simulating for 50 years with a step time of 30 days (and using astronomical units), in any cases I get straight lines in the 3D plots,
EDIT : Found the error. See the comment below. Post edited with correction (as well as in the plot)
Definitely something wrong. I've been checking the code multiple times so unless I'm wrong with the equations I don't know were is the error.
Here is the code,
# index.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3.9
import click
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyfiglet # ascii art
from src.two_body import TwoBody
from src.nbody import NBodySimulation
from src.body import Body
from consts import (sun_position0, sun_impulsion0, jupiter_position0, jupiter_impulsion0, saturn_position0, saturn_impulsion0, M_sun, M_jup, M_sat)
from consts import (t0, tN, dt)
# prepare bodies
Sun = Body("Sun", sun_position0, sun_impulsion0, M_sun)
Jupiter = Body("Jupiter", jupiter_position0, jupiter_impulsion0, M_jup)
Saturn = Body("Saturn", saturn_position0, saturn_impulsion0, M_sat)
@click.option("--stype", default="twobody", help="2-Body problem or 3-Body problem")
@click.option("--plot", default="static", help="static or animated plot")
def main(stype, plot):
# clear terminal (even history)
print('\033c', end=None)
# ascii art - for fun.
if stype == "twobody":
twobody = NBodySimulation(bodies=[Sun, Jupiter], t0=t0, tN=tN, dt=dt)
if plot == "static":
elif plot == "animated":
elif stype == "threebody":
threeBody = NBodySimulation(bodies=[Sun, Jupiter, Saturn], t0=t0, tN=tN, dt=dt)
if plot == "static":
elif plot == "animated":
if __name__ == "__main__":
# consts.py
# https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/saturnfact.html
# [M]: kg
#M_sat = 5.6834e26
#M_jup = 1.89812e27
#M_sun = 1.98841e30
# masses relative to the sun
M_sun = 1.00000597682
M_jup = 0.000954786104043
M_sat = 0.000285583733151
# 1 m = 6.6845... au
meter_to_au = 6.6845871222684e-12
# 1 day = 24 * 60 * 60 s
day_to_second = 24 * 60 * 60
# [G]: m^3 / kg s^2 => using a.u and days [G]: a.u / kg days^2
# G = (6.67430e-11 * (meter_to_au ** 3) * (day_to_second ** 2))
G = 2.95912208286e-4
# initial conditions
# positions are in a.u (astronomical units)
# speeds are in a.u / day => speed * mass = impulsion
# masses are in kg
# http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/miriade/?forms
sun_position0 = [0., 0., 0.]
sun_impulsion0 = [0., 0., 0.]
jupiter_position0 = [3.4707903364632, -3.3666298150704, -1.5275164476857]
jupiter_impulsion0 = [0.0054161298800 * M_jup, 0.0051281500076 * M_jup, 0.0020662323714 * M_jup]
saturn_position0 = [5.8139930169916, -7.3998049325634, -3.3068297277913]
saturn_impulsion0 = [0.0042287765130 * M_sat, 0.0030656447687 * M_sat, 0.0010842701680 * M_sat]
# time in days
t0 = 0
tN = 5000 * 365.25 # integration over 5000 years
dt = 30 # time_step : 30 days
# body.py
class Body():
Body (Sun, Jupiter,...) in cartesian coordinates
def __init__(self, name, initial_positions, initial_impulsions, mass):
self.name = name
self.initial_positions = initial_positions
self.initial_impulsions = initial_impulsions
self.mass = mass
# nbody.py
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from .edo import (n_body_dqdt, n_body_dpdt)
from .solvers import (heun, rk4, euler_symp, stormer_verlet)
class NBodySimulation():
def __init__(self, bodies, t0, tN, dt):
self.bodies = bodies
self.t0 = t0
self.tN = tN
self.dt = dt
self.legends = ["Heun (RK2)", "RK4", "Euler Symplectique", "Stormer-Verlet"]
self.solvers = [
{"call": heun, "name": "Heun (RK2)"},
{"call": rk4, "name": "RK4"},
{"call": euler_symp, "name": "Euler Symplectique"},
{"call": stormer_verlet, "name": "Stormer Verlet"}
self.results = []
def solve(self, solver):
# number of time step
nt = int((self.tN - self.t0) / self.dt)
# positions and impulsions state vectors
# each body is in \R^3 (3D space x, y, z)
q = np.zeros((nt, len(self.bodies) * 3))
p = np.zeros((nt, len(self.bodies) * 3))
# set initial conditions
q[0] = np.concatenate(np.array([body.initial_positions for body in self.bodies]))
p[0] = np.concatenate(np.array([body.initial_impulsions for body in self.bodies]))
return solver(dqdt=n_body_dqdt, dpdt=n_body_dpdt, q=q, p=p, dt=self.dt, nt=nt, bodies=self.bodies)
def simulate(self):
self.results = []
for solver in self.solvers:
q, p = self.solve(solver["call"])
self.results.append({"solver": solver["name"], "q": q, "p": p})
def plot(self):
self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
colors = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'y', 'm', 'c']
# loop for each result (corresponding to a specific solving method)
for (index, result) in enumerate(self.results):
# create a 3D plot
ax = self.fig.add_subplot(2, 2, index + 1, projection="3d")
# set plot parameters
max_range = 0
# plotting each body
for (ind, body) in enumerate(self.bodies):
x_index = (ind * 3)
y_index = (ind * 3) + 1
z_index = (ind * 3) + 2
x, y, z = result["q"][:,x_index], result["q"][:,y_index], result["q"][:,z_index]
max_dim = max(max(x), max(y), max(z))
if max_dim > max_range:
max_range = max_dim
ax.plot(xs=x, ys=y, zs=z, c=random.choice(colors), label=body.name)
# limiting plot
def animate(self):
# solvers.py
import numpy as np
import tqdm
def rk2_derivatives(edo, qk, pk, dt, bodies):
k1 = dt * edo(qk, pk, bodies)
k2 = dt * edo(qk + (dt * k1), pk + (dt * k1), bodies)
return (k1 + k2) / 2.
def heun(dqdt, dpdt, q, p, dt, nt, bodies):
for k in range(0, nt - 1):
qk, pk = q[k], p[k]
q[k + 1] = qk + rk2_derivatives(dqdt, qk, pk, dt, bodies)
p[k + 1] = pk + rk2_derivatives(dpdt, qk, pk, dt, bodies)
return q, p
def rk4_derivatives(edo, qk, pk, dt, bodies):
k1 = dt * edo(qk, pk, bodies)
k2 = dt * edo(qk + ((dt / 2) * k1), pk + ((dt / 2) * k1), bodies)
k3 = dt * edo(qk + ((dt / 2) * k2), pk + ((dt / 2) * k2), bodies)
k4 = dt * edo(qk + (dt * k3), pk + (dt * k3), bodies)
return (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4) / 6.
def rk4(dqdt, dpdt, q, p, dt, nt, bodies):
for k in range(0, nt - 1):
qk, pk = q[k], p[k]
q[k + 1] = qk + rk4_derivatives(dqdt, qk, pk, dt, bodies)
p[k + 1] = pk + rk4_derivatives(dpdt, qk, pk, dt, bodies)
return q, p
def euler_symp(dqdt, dpdt, q, p, dt, nt, bodies):
for k in range(0, nt - 1):
qk, pk = q[k], p[k]
p[k + 1] = pk + dt * dpdt(qk, pk, bodies)
q[k + 1] = qk + dt * dqdt(qk, p[k + 1], bodies)
return q, p
def stormer_verlet(dqdt, dpdt, q, p, dt, nt, bodies):
for k in range(0, nt - 1):
qk, pk = q[k], p[k]
p_half = pk + (dt / 2) * dpdt(qk, pk, bodies)
q[k + 1] = qk + dt * dqdt(qk, p_half, bodies)
p[k + 1] = p_half + (dt / 2) * dpdt(q[k + 1], p_half, bodies)
return q, p
# edo.py
import numpy as np
from consts import (M_sun as m1, M_jup as m2, M_sat as m3, G)
def n_body_dqdt(qk, pk, bodies):
:param qk: n-body position state vector => qk: [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2,..., xN, yN, zN]
:param pk: n-body impulsion state vector => pk: [px1, py1, pz1,..., pxN, pyN, pzN]
:param bodies: set of bodies (Sun, Jupiter,...)
:type q_state: ndarray
:type p_state: ndarray
:type bodies: ndarray
:return: \dot{q} = dh/dp
:rtype: ndarray
dqdt = np.zeros(len(qk))
for i in range(len(bodies)):
offset = i * 3
# px_i / m_i
dqdt[offset] = pk[offset] / bodies[i].mass
# py_i / m_i
dqdt[offset + 1] = pk[offset + 1] / bodies[i].mass
# pz_i / m_i
dqdt[offset + 2] = pk[offset + 2] / bodies[i].mass
return dqdt
def n_body_dpdt(qk, pk, bodies):
:param qk: n-body position state vector at k * dt time => qk: [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2,..., xN, yN, zN]
:param pk: n-body impulsion state vector at k * dt time => pk: [px1, py1, pz1,..., pxN, pyN, pzN]
:param bodies: set of bodies (Sun, Jupiter,...)
:type qk: ndarray
:type pk: ndarray
:type bodies: ndarray
:return: \dot{p} = - dh/dr => \dot{p} = [\dot{px1}, \dot{py2}, \dot{pz1},..., \dot{pxN}, \dot{pyN}, \dot{pzN}]
:rtype: ndarray
dpdt = np.zeros(len(qk))
# loop each body
for i in range(len(bodies)):
i_offset = i * 3
for j in range(len(bodies)):
if j != i:
j_offset = j * 3
dpdt[i_offset] -= ((G * bodies[i].mass * bodies[j].mass) / r_dist(ri=[qk[i_offset], qk[i_offset + 1], qk[i_offset + 2]], rj=[qk[j_offset], qk[j_offset + 1], qk[j_offset + 2]]) ** 3) * (qk[i_offset] - qk[j_offset])
dpdt[i_offset + 1] -= ((G * bodies[i].mass * bodies[j].mass) / r_dist(ri=[qk[i_offset], qk[i_offset + 1], qk[i_offset + 2]], rj=[qk[j_offset], qk[j_offset + 1], qk[j_offset + 2]]) ** 3) * (qk[i_offset + 1] - qk[j_offset + 1])
dpdt[i_offset + 2] -= ((G * bodies[i].mass * bodies[j].mass) / r_dist(ri=[qk[i_offset], qk[i_offset + 1], qk[i_offset + 2]], rj=[qk[j_offset], qk[j_offset + 1], qk[j_offset + 2]]) ** 3) * (qk[i_offset + 2] - qk[j_offset + 2])
# divide by two to avoid double count
return dpdt
def r_dist(ri, rj):
Calculate distance between two points in \R^3
:param ri: point of \R^3: [xi, yi, zi]
:param rj: point of \R^3: [xj, yj, zj]
:return: distance betwen the two points
:rtype: float
return np.sqrt((ri[0] - rj[0]) ** 2 + (ri[1] - rj[1]) ** 2 + (ri[2] - rj[2]) ** 2)
Eventually, if you want an example to to reproduce the problem: https://github.com/Mathieu-R/celestial-mechanics
Thanks in advance.
, as that should be the fraction of a day in a second and thus the reciprocal of the current value. That is, if you want to use it in the same way asmeter_to_au
. /// It does not seem to be an error in the code, but it is inconsistent in the naming. /// Is the plot picture current for the corrected code? $\endgroup$