I have the equation
$F(t) = \phi u + \frac{1}{2}\frac{d^2u}{dt^2} + u^3$
and broadly speaking, my task is to calculate the $\phi$ and $u(t)$ such that $F(t) = 0$.
I am testing out a new algorithm to do this (and so there are no in-built ways to implement it). This requires calculating the Jacobian of the function.
I am implementing this on MATLAB.
I am unable to figure out how exactly I take the partial derivative with $u$ for the term with the derivative.
Here's what I have done so far -
Assuming $\textbf{u}_3$ is the row vector form of $u$ which has been cubed elementwise, I calculated the Jacobian as -
$\textbf{J} = \phi\textbf{I} + \textbf{D} + \textbf{u}_3\textbf{I}$
where D is the appropriate finite difference matrix and I is the identity matrix.
My first question is - is this correct?
If yes, my second question is, can the same thing be done for a different differentiation technique (like spectral differentiation) by simply replacing D by the appropriate matrix?