Consider the elastic equation $$- \operatorname{div}(C \nabla \mathbf{u}) = \mathbf{f}$$ as presented in step-8. Here $\mathbf{u}$ is the displacement vector, let's consider the 2d case.
As you can see in the setup_system, they impose homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Then I'd expect to see that the two plots of $x$ and $y$ displacements have 0 as boundary value. However, this is not happening, and I can't understand why. You can see the x_displacement in the following Paraview screenshot. Notice the $-1.6 e-4$ value at the boundary.
? I would loop over all cells, then over all faces, I identify the ones that are on the boundary, and then I'd like to access the solution vector at the degrees of freedom of that boundary face. How can I get the dofs for a boundary face? @WolfgangBangerth $\endgroup$DataOutFaces
class :-) $\endgroup$