Consider the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equation
$$u_t + (u \cdot \nabla) u - \Delta u + \nabla p = f$$ $$\operatorname{div}(u)=0$$
Looking at deal.ii tutorials, I've notice that there are extensive discussions about the choice of a preconditioner in the time independent case, while for the time dependent one I've only found this one the code gallery which fits quite well my testcase
Applying an IMEX scheme, I got
$$ \frac{M}{\Delta_t} U_{n+1} + A U_{n+1} + B^t P_{n+1} = G(t_n,U^n,f) $$ $$ B U_{n+1} = 0 $$
Therefore at each time-step I need to solve the saddle point problem
\begin{bmatrix} \ \frac{M}{\Delta_t} + A & B^t\\B & 0 \end{bmatrix}
Of course, I need to apply a preconditioner and, following the discussion, I'd chose
$$P = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{M}{\Delta_t} + A & B^t \\ 0 & -S^{-1} \end{bmatrix}$$ where $S$ is the Schur complement of $\frac{M}{\Delta_t}+ A$
Now, let's go to the hot-spot: I need to understand what can be a good way to invert the top left block and the bottom one $S$.
Since the top left block $\frac{M}{\Delta_t} + A$ is symmetric and positive definite, then in order to "invert" I would just use Conjugate Gradient.
For $S$ I would use the pressure mass matrix, which is usually called $M_p$ in deal.ii website. Essentially, it is composed by $L^2$ products of basis functions for the pressure. This is symmetric and positive definite too, so I can use CG again.