
I am currently trying to compute the value of the first Fibonacci number recursively. the idea is as follow:

  • Compute $f_{n}$ and $f_{n-1}$ for $n = 2,...,100$,
  • Compute $f_k$ for $k = n−2, n−3, \dots, 0$,
  • Call $\hat{f}_0(n)$ the value of $f_0$ computed as a function of $n$.

Here is the Matlab code I used:

N = 101;
n = linspace(0, 100, N);

% Fbonacci sequence generation
fn = fibonacci(n+1);

f0 = zeros(1, 99);

% backward computation of \hat{f_0} computation
for i = 2:100
    fi = fn(i+1);
    fi_1 = fn(i);
    fk = cat(2, zeros(1, i - 1), [fi_1, fi]);
    for k = i-2:-1:0
        a = fk(k + 3);
        b = fk(k + 2);
        fk(k+1) = a - b;
    f0(i-1) = fk(1);

f1 = semilogy(linspace(2, 100, 99), abs(f0));
hold on
f2 = semilogy([0, 100], [1, 1]);
hold on
f3 = semilogy([0, 100], [2/eps, 2/eps]);
grid on

xlabel('$n$', 'Interpreter','latex')
legend([f1, f2, f3], {'$\hat{f}_0$', '$1$: analytical value', '$2/eps$'}, 'Interpreter', 'latex');

I can't find an explication to the errors found on the value of $\hat{f}_0$ in the second plot. Fibonacci numbers are integers, and integers are supposed to be represented exactly in machines, or am I wrong? Because in this case, when computing the value of $\hat{f}_0$ recursively, there is no rounding or truncation. The value of $f(100)$ is of order 20, which is far away from $realmax$. I don't see any source of errors.

Any ideas?

  • $\begingroup$ Since you have the whole Fiibonacci sequence stored in one variable, it seems supurfluous to pick off a few values into their own variables, superfluous and confusing. I’d get rid of those and just index into $fn$ directly. Cleaning up that section might reveal your issue. $\endgroup$
    – Bill Barth
    Commented Jan 19, 2022 at 19:36

1 Answer 1


Integers can be represented "exactly" in Matlab, however a lot of times Matlab will choose to work with floating point double precision, which may not necessarily represent all integers exactly (IIRC it is exact up to about $2^{53}$).

Indeed, even when you try typing an "integer" into matlab, it will tell you that it defaults to doubles:

>> class(1)

ans =


You can try to force Matlab to use ints by casting it to a fixed-width integer, for example using int64(your_value), or the symbolic library wide integer sym(your_value)

When I tried forcing the fibonacci function to use fixed-width integer math, it complains that the function expects a floating point type or a symbol. Here are the results to calling fibonacci with various type arguments:

>> fibonacci(int64(101))
Error using fibonacci (line 16)
Invalid data type. Argument must be double, single, or sym.

>> fibonacci(101)

ans =


>> fibonacci(sym(101))
ans =

>> fibonacci(101)-fibonacci(sym(101))
ans =

The fact that Matlab can't compute fibonacci(101) exactly with doubles is not unexpected; the answer requires a 69-bit mantissa, while doubles only have a 53-bit mantissa.


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