From the book "Understanding the Finite Element Method" by Mark S. Gockenbach (Chapter 7), there is stated an integral:
$$ \int_{T_k} \kappa \nabla \phi_i \cdot \nabla\phi_j. $$
for a triangle denoted $T_k$. The gradient $\phi_i$ is denoted as:
$$\nabla \phi_i = \begin{bmatrix} b_i \\ c_i \end{bmatrix} {on} \hphantom a {T_k}$$
There is a matrix $M$ defined as: $$ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & x1 & y1; \\ 1 & x2 & y2; \\ 1 & x3 & y3; \\ \end{bmatrix} $$
Steps are given:
Estimate the integral $T_k$ over $\kappa$.
Invert the 3x3 matrix and extract the gradients of the basis functions from $M^{-1}$:
Compute the dot products of the gradients
$$\nabla \phi_i \cdot \nabla \phi_j, \quad i=1,2,3,\ j=i,\ldots,3$$
I don't really understand it yet. Given a triangle $(0,1),(-1,-2),(1,-3)$ how can $ \int_{T_k} \kappa \nabla \phi_i \cdot \nabla\phi_j. $ be computed?
How are the gradients of the basis functions extracted from $M^{-1}$?