
I was wondering whether there is a closed formula for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the discretized Laplacian in (edit) $[0,1]^n$ with a uniform grid, using what I imagine is a $2n+1$ stencil.

Furthermore, I was wondering whether there is some existing material on how to create random weighted sparse (graph) Laplacian matrices from a random spectrum, that is, matrices $L$ with $L\mathbf{1}=0$, $L=L^t$, positive diagonal, negative off-diagonal entries and non-negative random spectrum.

My thoughts on creating $\Lambda$ myself were

lambda = rand(n,1); lambda(1) = 0;

then create $\chi$ and orthogonalize it using stable Gram-Schmidt

chi = randn(n,n); chi(:,1) = ones(n,1); chi = gram_schmidt(chi);



but it does not accomplish the sign conditions that I mentioned.

My interest is in having infinitesimal generators $Q$ for CTMC (edit: Continuous-Time Markov Chain) with number of states $n\gg 1000$ and available accurate diagonalization, so I thought the most studied case would be the discretized Laplacian. Any previous work on this?

Edit: thanks to lightxbulb in the comments, this works

function [Ltensor,FTtensor] = laplacian_matrix(nx,n)
  # pkg install -forge control, signals, communication
  # this function creates the periodic Laplacian matrix in the n-th hypercube,
  # as well as the matrix that diagonalizes it orthogonally, with size nx
  # h = 1/nx; I kind of not care about rescaling the Laplacian
  L = (diag(2*ones(nx,1)) - diag(ones(nx-1,1),1) - diag(ones(nx-1,1),-1));
  L(1,end) = -1; L(end,1) = -1;
  FT = dftmtx(nx);
  Ltensor = zeros(nx^n,nx^n); FTtensor = zeros(nx^n,nx^n);
  for i=1:n
    addL = 1; addFT = 1;
    for j=1:n
      if i==j
        addL = kron(addL,L);
        addL = kron(addL,eye(nx));
      addFT = kron(addFT,FT);
    Ltensor = Ltensor + addL;
    FTtensor = FTtensor + addFT; % this is clearly wrong I should only do this once but it still diagonalizes and I just realized right now
  FTtensor = FTtensor/(nx^n); % as I said this is wrong I will edit it later
  • $\begingroup$ This may perhaps work if you discretize a cube with a uniform mesh. But there is for sure no closed-form solution on arbitrary domains. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 12, 2023 at 14:27
  • $\begingroup$ @WolfgangBangerth yes, I was thinking of that case, my bad $\endgroup$
    – Aner
    Commented Sep 12, 2023 at 14:43
  • $\begingroup$ CTMC = continuous-time Markov chain? $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 12, 2023 at 20:19
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ It depends on the boundary conditions: periodic are diagonalized by DFT, reflecting by DCT, zero Dirichlet by DST. $\endgroup$
    – lightxbulb
    Commented Sep 12, 2023 at 20:49
  • $\begingroup$ As @lightxbulb says, if you understand the 1d case with sines and cosines, then the 2d/3d case is just a tensor product. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 13, 2023 at 6:23


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