Fix a dimension $d \ge 1$. Is there an efficiently computable sequence $f : \mathbb{N} \to [0,1]^d$ such that
$f$ is either random or quasirandom (e.g., similar to Sobol sequences).
Given $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and a box $S = [a_0,b_0] \times \cdots \times [a_{d-1},b_{d-1}]$, one can find the subset $f_{S,n} = \{f_k | k<n, f_k \in S\}$ in output sensitive time $O(\operatorname{poly}(\log n +|f_{S,n}|))$.
The motivation is that such a sequence would provide a nice way to use non-jittery, low-noise sampling when zooming around in an image.