My home-brew optimization studies have raised yet another fundamental question. The Nonlinear Programming formalism, "minimize f(x) subject to inequality and equality constraints, and x membership" appears to be the main game in town, but seems (to me) to be more theoretical than practical. I can see that it is a useful vehicle for mathematical proofs & theorems regarding optmization, but is it really the best approach for real-world problems?
My question really comes down to implementation of constraints. In my understanding of NLP, the constraints for a problem are implemented using Lagrange multipliers (or some other technique) that turns constraints into additional variables to for a new, unconstrained, and higher dimensional problem.
My hands-on experience is diametrically opposed to this; I found that adding constraints in the algorithm itself worked poorly, if at all, and eventually I gave up on the attempt. I have been much more successful applying constraints within the model, not the algorithm. Linked to this, when I apply constraints my problems can even (for equality constraints) become lower-dimensional.
For example, when implementing a simple "box" optimization (find dimensions x, y, z to maximize enclosed volume given fixed area A, or minimize area to enclose a fixed volume V) elsewhere. Applying either equality constraint directly to the model (eliminating z in terms of x, y, and either A or V) each 3D problem is reduced to 2D. According to my understanding of NLP (hence the question) that method would add another equation to specify the constraint, giving a 4D problem, which is less computationally efficient, and probably less numerically stable. This leads to a "deficit" of two dimensions per equality constraint.
As far as inequality constraints are concerned, there is no dimension reduction, so the corresponding "deficit" is just one dimension per constraint. Here is a small sample of model code, which is I hope clear enough to at least illustrate what I mean by applying constraints to the model:
void cost (int n, point *p, const model *m) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (p->x[i] <= m->min || p->x[i] >= m->max) {
p->f = INFINITY; // "variable range limit" constraint; cost is infinite
p->f = 0.0L;
for (int i = 0; i <= 50; i++) { // passband
real t = tx(n, p, powl(10.0L, 0.02L * i - 1.0L));
p->f += t >= m->pb ? 0.0L : SQR(m->pb - t); // satisfied spec constraint; cost is zero
for (int i = 0; i <= 50; i++) { // stopband
real t = tx(n, p, powl(10.0L, 0.02L * i) + m->ksi - 1.0L);
p->f += t <= m->sb ? 0.0L : SQR(m->sb - t); // ditto
The "tx()" function evaluates the power transmission through an electrical filter over a logarithmic frequency range. If anyone is interested, the full source for this is in a tiny project here. This approach works very well for the Nelder-Mead optimizer, as well as the alternative particle-based ones.
Is my experience common, or is the approach (apply constraints in the model, and not the algorithm) controversial because it "defies" NLP?