I am trying to represent the result of a non-linear function in a small basis, given another small basis that does a good job a representing the argument of the function.
More specifically, there is a non-linear map, $$ f: \left< r \middle| \rho \middle| r \right> \longrightarrow \left< r \middle| V \middle| r \right> $$ or alternatively $f[\rho(r)] = V(r)$, where $\rho$ and $V$ are Hermitian and $V$ is diagonal in real-space. I already have a great (small) basis $u_i$ that represents $\rho$ perfectly: $$ \sum_i \left< r \middle| \rho \middle| r \right> \left<r\middle|u_i\right> \left<u_i\middle|r\right> = \left< r \middle| \rho \middle| r \right> $$
With access to $f$, is there anything I can do to the basis $u_i$ to make it represent $V$ more completely?
$f$ generally has terms that look like $\rho(r)^{1/3}$, plus some linear terms, but can be more general. I don't need to evaluate $f$ in this basis; I just want to be able to transform $V$ into it after it is computed.
Scientific back-story: $\rho$ is an electron density and $V$ is the local potential. Real-space is really big, so I'm trying to get out of it as quickly as possible.