I'm developing some larger code to perform eigenvalue computations of huge sparse matrices, in the context of computational physics. I test my routines against the simple harmonic oscillator in one dimension, since the eigenvalues are well known analytically. Doing so and comparing my own routines to SciPy's inbuilt solvers, I have come across the oddity displayed in the plot below. Here you can see the first 100 numerically computed eigenvalues $\lambda_{num}$ and analytical eigenvalues $\lambda_{ana}$
Around eigenvalue number 40, the numercial results start to diverge from the analytical ones. This doesn't surprise me (I won't go into why here, unless it comes up in the discussion). However, what is surprising to me is that eigsh() produces degenerate eigenvalues (around eigenvalue number 80). Why does eigsh() behave like that for even such a small number of eigenvalues?
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh
import myFunctions as myFunc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#discretize x-axis
N = 100
xmin = -10.
xmax = 10.
accuracy = 1e-5
h = (xmax - xmin) / (N + 1.)
#exclude first and last points since we force wave function to be zero there
x = np.linspace(-10. + h,10. - h,N)
#create potential
V = x**2
def fivePoint(N,h,V):
C0 = (np.ones(N))*30. / (12. * h * h) + V
C1 = (np.ones(N)) * (-16.) / (12. * h * h)
C2 = (np.ones(N)) / (12. * h * h)
H = sp.spdiags([C2, C1, C0, C1, C2],[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2],N,N)
return H
H = myFunc.fivePoint(N,h,V)
eigval,eigvec = eigsh(H, k=N-1, which='SM', tol=accuracy)
#comparison analytical and numerical eigenvalues
xAxes = np.linspace(0,len(eigval)-1,len(eigval))
analyticalEigval = 2. * (xAxes + 0.5)
plt.plot(xAxes,eigval, '+', label=r"$\lambda_{num}$")
plt.plot(xAxes,analyticalEigval, label=r"$\lambda_{ana}$")
plt.xlabel("Number of Eigenvalue")
plt.title("eigsh()-method: Comparison of $\lambda_{num}$ and $\lambda_{ana}$")