today I tried some evaluation on a DG function space (Fenics 1.2.0). In my calculations I need to use meshes with a large number of cells (~10mio). At the moment it takes a very long time to create a DG function space (in my distinct case a vector function space) for meshes which contains many cells. For example:
from dolfin import *
mesh = UnitCubeMesh(100,100,100)
H13 = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)
A CG function space takes around about 20 seconds for creation. For DG I aborted the job after 10 minutes. For another mesh I waited more than one hour without termination. Is there a way to speed up the DG function space creation.
Thanks a lot in advance
on bitbucket.) I'm voting to close this question, but feel free to come back if you have problems with the computational science side of things. $\endgroup$